Sunday, March 30, 2008

v16.5 - Deep Thought

Howdy folks,


I'm in deep thought this morning.  I can't say exactly what I'm thinking about, but all will come out in due time.  There are forces in this world that are constantly moving and shaping things around us.  There is obviously a higher power than us at work here, but can one really say that power is God?


I'm not about to get into a religious debate, but this is one thing I've been thinking on recently.  We, as human beings, need to believe in something, to have faith in something bigger than ourselves.  You see it everywhere you look today.  Religious people believe in a god whether it is the God I grew up with or some other god.  People need something to believe in, especially when life starts to get them down and they feel they have nowhere else to turn.  Interesting isn't it?


Of course I don't want to talk about religion or gods or anything like that today.  No, something else is occupying my mind today and it is a little closer to home.  I'm thinking on life in general and how easily it can be created and how easily it can be destroyed.  Life is measured in heart beats and it only takes one to change a person's life forever.  In a single heart beat a person can take their very first breath, in another a person is taking their last.  What happens in the heart beat?  The structure of life is very complex and hard to fathom sometimes.  Ever look at an Advanced Biology book?  Stuff kids are learning in High School today are things people used to learn in University back when I was in High School.  Interesting isn't it?


Well, I don't want to go off the deep end here with random thoughts of nothingness.  People will begin to think I'm musing or something :)  No really, I need to run and pick up Katie from work and the kids are running around the house yelling and playing instead of getting ready.  Time to lay down the law once again :)



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