Thursday, March 13, 2008

v14.9 - Telling the Future

Good morning folks,


Well well, was I sure surpised this morning when I awoke and found the ground covered with several inches of new snow.  Sometime throughout the night we got a nice dump of snow which covered our nice brown grass.  Shame really, I was hoping spring had sprung and we would be finally rid of this white stuff.  Oh well, I guess I can endure a bit more of it :)


Like any good husband, I awoke this morning, got all the garbage together (it is garbage day today here) and carted it all out to the curb for the garbage "people" to come and pick up.  I then decided it was time for a coffee so I got into my vehicle and drove down to my local Tim's (I have 4 to choose from) and ordered myself an Extra Large with one cream.  It tastes fantastic!




After I got home from getting coffee I decided to shovel the snow out of our parking spot.  It didn't take long, but did it ever take the wind out of me.  You don't realize how out of shape you are until you start shoveling snow.  Of course, I'm not out of shape :) so I did it with ease.  NOT!


I titled my musing today "Telling the Future" as I think it is a topic which is quite interesting.  Each of us has this "gut feeling" we always feel when we know something is right or wrong or when something bad is going to happen.  We can always tell when things aren't right just like Spiderman's spidey senses.  It is this feeling that sometimes can save a life or save someone from harm.  Could this feeling be simply a person being tied into the thread of the world?  Or is there some kind of mystical force out there tugging and pulling us and letting us know when something bad is going to happen?  Nobody knows for certain, but there is no doubt in my mind there IS something and some of us are more "tuned" to this than others.


Katie always comments on how I am such a great judge of character when I meet people.  For some reason, I have this "gift" where I can meet someone and can tell right away what kind of person they are and whether they are "nice" or not.  Personally I would call it a curse more than a gift sometimes, especially when I can call someone I only met as they served me coffee and be right even though Katie has been working with the person for over a month and doesn't agree.  Of course, in the end she always sees what I saw, but it typically takes her a few months to see it where I can "read" it as soon as I meet someone.  Strange isn't it?


I know this has nothing to do with telling the future, but I thought I'd bring it up anyway :)


I bought myself a PSP yesterday.  Specifically, I bought myself the special edition Star Wars PSP.  This is one cool little toy and I'm happy I picked it up.  I had been looking at them for several months now and had numerious opportunities to pick one up.  I didn't feel right picking one up, until yesterday.  I like the device and can't wait to start using it more.  In order to get the "full" benifit out of the device I still need to pick up a memory card for it (didn't say it was required) and I also want to pick up a headset for it.  This little device has built in Skype functionality which will allow me to use the device as a phone.  As long as I have internet access somewhere, I can dial out using Skype (for free) and make a phone call to anywhere in North America.  If you're on the web and wanted to call me, you could install Skype on your PC, type in my Skype address and bam, my PSP would ring and I would answer.  I can also store Movies and MP3s on this bad boy which is great!


Anyway folks, I must run for now.  I have a bunch of things I need to get finished today and would like to have my evening (last evening for Katie as she works Saturday morning early) set aside for some gaming.  Take care and we'll see you here again tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. Just thought I would comment and defend myself here :P I tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.. maybe I'm too trusting.. maybe I'm dim witted.. who knows.. but I don't think its too terrible to believe that everyone has some good in them and give them a chance to show it.
