Tuesday, March 18, 2008

v15.4 - Give Me Some Sugar

Morning folks,


My musing title today reminds me of a joke my father used to tell that goes something like this:

Pass the Honey, Honey
Pass the Sugar, Sugar
Pass the Tea, Bag
Ahh the memories ;)


I plan on talking about sugar for a bit today (hence the title) and the way it affects us.  Sugar dates back to as far as I can google.  From what I can tell, it has been around for a very very long time.  It is one of the primary causes of Type-2 Diabetes, Obesity, Tooth-decay and the process of growing sugar is harmful to the environment.  If all these things were not enough, it was also one of the leading reasons for African slavery.


That's right folks, not only does sugar make things sweet, it can also leave a bitter taste in your mouth when you think of where it comes from.  But that can go for pretty much anything these days.  Everything we've discovered or marketed has skeletons in the closet and derives from some form of slavery or causes some disease.  I received an email yesterday which talks about MSG and it's effects on the body and such.  MSG was a great idea back in the day to add flavor to foods, but it has been linked with so many different health issues like Chest Pains, Headaches, Nausea, Rapid Heartbeat, Difficulty Breathing, Weakness and various other physical issues.


Of course we eat both sugar and MSG daily sometimes without even knowing it (or thinking about it).  Next time you sit down for a meal or a snack, take a quick look at the packaging and read the ingredients and nutrition information, I guarantee you'll be surprised.


Well folks, that ends my little lesson today.  Tune in next week where I talk about the negative effects of work on your health :)

Until then...



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