Tuesday, December 22, 2009
v32.2: Happy Holidays
Christmas is only a few days away and the Holiday seasons has all but begun at this point. Traffic coming to work this morning was so light I had to double check to ensure it wasn't Sunday or something. I wasn't sure if I would get a chance to post again before Christmas, so I decided to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
v32.1: Holiday Drivers
You're not reading it wrong, the title of my musing today is Holiday Drivers. We like to complain about holiday shopping and how busy the malls are this time of year, but we seem to forget about the traffic. It seems the holiday season brings out the worst in a lot of us. We drive erratically and sometimes switching lanes without signaling. I see it all the time which makes driving extremely dangerous for those of us who follow the "rules of the road".
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
v32.0: Zug Zug
First off, I'd like to apologize to everyone. It has been quite awhile since I last posted and while my intention has been to post more often, I rarely find the "right time" these days. The Christmas holidays are fast approaching, the feeling of Christmas is in the air and the malls are a mess with people running around picking up gifts for friends and loved ones. I want to hate Christmas, but there is something about it that makes it "magical".
Friday, November 27, 2009
v31.9: The Black Friday
It is finally Friday! Another week of work has come and gone and all we need to do is put on our smiley face for a few more hours and we'll be done for a couple days. If you work this weekend, I apologize.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
v31.8: Happy Times
It has been awhile (again). I find I am constantly struggling with the right time to sit down and post here as things have been quite hectic here at work and home. Seems like whenever I have spare time to write, I find something "better" to do. It's called prioritizing and yes, I have issues with that.
Monday, November 16, 2009
v31.7: Monday Moans
It is Monday once again. I've arrived to work today and found my PC a little on the fritz. For some strange reason it seems to "hang" after logging in and all I see is the corporate desktop background across my dual screens. There is no indication anything is going on inside; it's dead Jim.
Friday, November 13, 2009
v31.6: Long Time
Long time no write. Or I should say, long time no write a musing. November has been a very busy month for me. Work has taken up a good chunk of my time and I've been working longer than usual hours every day. In addition to that, I've also been taking part in NaNoWriMo.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
v31.5: I'm Still Here
Just a quick musing today to let you all know I'm still here. We've had a series of negative things happen over the past month and just when you think you've taken care of one thing something else happens. It's a pain in the ass.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
v31.4: World of Real Life
Here I am again writing in the evening. Another long day at work with little to no time to sit and focus on writing. Even now I struggle keeping focus. Is this the end of my musings?
Monday, October 26, 2009
v31.3: Why?!
It has been awhile hasn't it? Sadly I've been so busy first thing in the mornings that I haven't had much time to post. Work has been.... work, and as such hasn't been much fun lately. You make the best of it though and hope every day that something good will happen and things will turn around.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
v31.2: I See You
No, I don't really see you but I thought I'd write briefly while I had some time and let you all know about a little site my wife discovered the other day that may surprise you. Every once in awhile I come across a website that I like to share with you all here, hopefully you enjoy this one.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
v31.1: Motivate Yourself
Back when I starting writing Musings I was motivated and focused. It isn't everyday that someone can sit down at a computer, write a few lines of text throwing in the odd slurp here and there and make people smile or laugh. Over the years my musings have been light hearted, sad and even boring (trust me, I've read them). I like to think of Musings over Coffee as my playground where I get to play and exercise my writing talent(?). I have a much broader audience than I thought as I've had quite a few people (here at work especially) come up to me and comment on my "blog" or say they have spoken to someone who has read my "blog". First off, welcome to those who are long time readers and have never posted a comment. I know you're out there and I welcome you to my domain of insanity.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
v31.0: I was here first!
First off, let me apologize for the lack of posts lately. I could used my customary excuse and complain about how busy I've been but as I've already pointed out before, I had the time, I just didn't make time for writing.
I'm sure you've used the phrase "I was here first" a time or two in your lifetime. You hear it all the time in schools, especially in Elementary schools where being first in a line actually meant something. I remember my Elementary school days; we are told that you shouldn't cut in line and to be at the front of the line was a good thing, almost rewarding. This mentality is ingrained into our minds at an early age and sticks with us.
I see this a lot at intersections where there are two lanes that merge into one on the other side. I constantly see ignorance when at these types of intersections. You have Driver A in the left lane and Driver B pulls up behind Driver A. Then Driver C pulls up in the lane beside Driver A. Driver C's lane ends on the other side of the intersection. What happens? Driver A jumps the gun and accelerates faster than they normally would, Driver B is right on their tail. Driver C tries to merge over and ends up nearly side swiping Driver B because Driver B wasn't going to allow the merge. Why? Because Driver B was there first. There are other situations where things like this happen, but this is the one that stands out right now.
Of course I see this all over the place when driving. People are constantly cutting other people off or riding the bumper of the person in front of them as to not allow someone to merge in or switch lanes. It drives (no pun intended) me crazy to watch this stuff on a daily basis. This isn't limited to just drivers, you see it in the supermarkets, convenience stores and department stores all the time. People have it in their heads they need to be the first (or as close to first as possible) in every line up. There is just something about being first at something that seems to drive society. People will rush, they will run, they will bump people out of the way and when they're in a hurry, you hear the sighs and see the shaking of heads to let the whole world know they are annoyed about being delayed.
There are some instances where being first has its advantages. For example when a store is opening and there are limited supplies of something available to the first X number of people, you will want to get there early (in some cases a day or two early) and line up. You see this most often when there is a big new video game release or new movie. In the case of a movie you're not necessarily there due to limited seats but to get the best seat in the house to enjoy your favorite movie.
Anyway folks it is getting late and I must start getting ready to turn in for the night. Again, I apologize for the lack of posting lately; I'll be sure to make up for it. Remember to always give yourself enough room between you and the car in front to allow someone the opportunity to merge in. You may piss off the people behind you, but you'll not only be a safer driver but you'll also save your brakes and give someone a chance to merge in when they need it.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
v30.9: Sick and Tired
I dislike being sick. Even worse, I dislike when one of my children is sick; especially when they are unable to speak and tell you what is wrong. Babies can be a bundle of joy just as easily as a bundle of stress and worry.
Friday, October 2, 2009
v30.8: The Week End
Another work week is quickly coming to an end (for most of us) and the relaxing days of the weekend are almost here. I worked every day this week and I felt every single one. In fact, by Wednesday, I felt like I had worked an entire week already so imagine my disappointment to learn it was only Wednesday. I hate long weeks, more than I hate dead rats in heating ducts.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
v30.7: Socks
Leave it to me to take an entire musing and talk about nothing but socks.
Lavish praise on me.
Good morning folks,
I'm sure at one time or another you've had a hole in your sock. Depending on where the hole is, it can be very annoying especially if a toe slips through the hole. Today I am working from home and I have a huge hole in the bottom of one of my socks. Every so often I will curl my toes and when I relax them one or two toes will slip through the hole in the bottom making it very uncomfortable and causing me to stop whatever I'm doing to fix it. Holes in socks can be quite annoying.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
v30.6: The Sinkhole
We make decisions that affect our lives every single day. Sometimes these decisions seem fairly trivial and non-impacting but sometimes a trivial change can cause a not so trivial result. As some of you know, we started the task of emptying the water out of our pool on the weekend. We were able to use the pump to get some of it out, but the rest we had to siphon out with a hose.
Monday, September 21, 2009
v30.5: Habitually Happy
The other day I asked the question "What makes you smile?". Some of you posted comments, others sent me emails and I appreciate all the communications I received from my readers. It is these responses that have prompted this post which was the first thing I thought about when I woke this morning.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
v30.4: Think Before You Do-Over
Before I begin, does everyone know what a do-over is? I'm sure we've all played games where we were granted a do-over when we messed up. A do-over is simply defined as "A repeat of a previous activity, with the hope of greater success". I'm sure everyone has wanted a "life do-over" at least once or twice in their lifetime. What if you were given the opportunity to go back in time and change one aspect of your past, what would it be?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
v30.3: Things That Make Me Smile
Have you ever taken the time to write down the things that make you smile? These past couple weeks I've been struggling with writing ideas. I partly blame work because by the time I get home each day my brain is a mess and when I get to the office in the morning I'm busy from the moment my ass hits the chair. There never seems to be any good time to write anymore.
Friday, September 11, 2009
v30.2: Break from Breaking Free
Work has been quite busy this week and I've had very little time to think about Musing. This week, tough a short work week, has brought many new and old challenges and as a result my mind has not been on musing, but it has been on writing.
Though busy this week, I was able to take a step in the right direction toward writing. I've signed up to an online collaboration site where I can begin to write articles and exercise my writing skills; while at the same time provide some much needed help to my fellow man. This is my "foot in the door" so-to-speak and I'm really looking forward to being contributing.
Where is this magical place I speak of? As of this week I am officially a member of the eHow community, and while it is free to sign-up and get started, it isn't easy coming up with a unique "How to..." for people. I have a lot of ideas I'd like to publish there but I need to sort things out and ensure my delivery is clean and well structured. If you're a resident of the United States, you can even earn cash when you write for eHow, but only if you have a good "How to...".
This where you come in. I'm looking for some ideas and suggestions for my first posts to the eHow community. I'm working on a much larger project which consists of a list of "To-Dos" that need to happen first. My first goal is to have my writing published somewhere other than here. You see, anyone can run a blog and call their work "published"; god knows my friend Gnomie does it :) I need to have something a little more "official" in my pocket which will help me later down the road.
Anyway folks, I need to run and get some work done. We plan on heading out of town this weekend to see some Hot Air Balloons and visit with family. Hopefully the weather is good for it. The last year we went to the Balloon Fiesta in my home town it ended up being too windy and the Balloonists were hesitant to do any flying. This year there is going to be an impressive lineup of Balloons to see including the Peanut guy from Planter's. I can't wait.
Friday, September 4, 2009
v30.1: Break Free from High Priced Groceries
For most of us, making ends meet is a fine art. The worry and stress that comes from the lack of money flow is enough to drive anyone insane. In our house, we constantly struggle with our budget and we often need to let certain things slide in order to take care of the more important things like food. Food is a necessity for life and as such, should be your first priority.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
v30.0: Break Free from Telephone Services
If you own a telephone and subscribe to a monthly telephone bill, this musing is for you. We have spent too much time and money on a service that should be virtually free. In fact, I would like to see these companies that bundle Internet and Cable together include the telephone at no additional charge. In fact, let's analyze something for a minute.
Monday, August 31, 2009
v29.9: Break Free Series
Hopefully everyone had a good weekend. For those of you who live in Eastern Canada, I hope Danny (plus the other low pressure system) didn't cause too much rain or wind damage. We weathered the storm at my Mother's place this weekend. By the time we were ready to hit the road home, the roads were already quite wet and dangerous and I couldn't see myself spending several hours driving in that just to get home.
Friday, August 28, 2009
v29.8: Calm Before the Storm
No, you're not seeing things. My last musing was titled "After The Storm" and this one is the Calm Before the Storm. It is hurricane season and as such it has been predicted that we will get more hurricanes this year than we have in the past. Already this is the second disruption that has come our way and while Hurricane Danny hasn't fully formed yet, there is a chance this could turn into a category 1 hurricane and hit us head on.
I'm not too worried though. At most, I think we'll get some wind and a bunch of rain but I don't think it will cause much damage just like Hurricane Bill which blew through this area last weekend. As a result of the storm, I do plan on cutting my weekend trip to the South Shore short as I really don't like driving on the highway (especially that highway) during stormy weather. I also need to ensure I'm home at a decent hour Sunday because I have a lot of things that I need to figure out and do before the work week starts again.
So what exactly is a hurricane? I have wondered about this and always wondered what the difference between a category 1 and a category 2 hurricane was. Well today the wondering is over because today I'm going to tell all!
So in pure Musings over Coffee fashion, I must define the thing I'm talking about. In this case, a hurricane is nothing more than a tropical cyclone.
A tropical cyclone is a storm system characterized by a large low-pressure center and numerous thunderstorms that produce strong winds and heavy rain. Tropical cyclones feed on heat released when moist air rises, resulting in condensation of water vapor contained in the moist air.
I watched a documentary on television a few weeks ago about our earth. They talked briefly about hurricanes and described them as nature's air conditioners. It is no secret that the planet is getting warmer. Global warming is starting to become more evident as the years go on. You see this in our winters and how much warmer they seem. You see this during hurricane season with more violent hurricanes and more frequent disturbances. This is nature's way of telling us to stop.
Of course I drive a car, I burn fossil fuels and I don't always separate my garbage. I have no write to tell people how they should change their lifestyle and save the planet when I myself have issues with it. The most I can ask for is you teach your children (or grandchildren) about conservation and saving the planet. I know it sounds horrible but my generation was brought up with leaded gas, oil burning furnaces, huge v8 gas hog vehicles and wide open landfills where we threw away EVERYTHING.
So back to the tropical cyclone. What is the difference between all the categories? Who is responsible for categorizing a hurricane? How the hell do they get that soft flowing caramel inside the Caramilk bar?
Fortunately I have the answers to the first two questions and I'm still working on the third.
Hurricane categorization uses the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale system. This system takes into consideration sustained wind speed, pressure and categorizes tropical cyclones from 1 to 5. It also defines what kinds of damage you can expect. Below was taken from the National Hurricane Center website:
Category 1
Sustained winds 74-95 mph (64-82 kt or 119-153 km/hr). Damaging winds are expected. Some damage to building structures could occur, primarily to unanchored mobile homes (mainly pre-1994 construction). Some damage is likely to poorly constructed signs. Loose outdoor items will become projectiles, causing additional damage. Persons struck by windborne debris risk injury and possible death. Numerous large branches of healthy trees will snap. Some trees will be uprooted, especially where the ground is saturated. Many areas will experience power outages with some downed power poles.
Category 2
Sustained winds 96-110 mph (83-95 kt or 154-177 km/hr). Very strong winds will produce widespread damage. Some roofing material, door, and window damage of buildings will occur. Considerable damage to mobile homes (mainly pre-1994 construction) and poorly constructed signs is likely. A number of glass windows in high rise buildings will be dislodged and become airborne. Loose outdoor items will become projectiles, causing additional damage. Persons struck by windborne debris risk injury and possible death.. Numerous large branches will break. Many trees will be uprooted or snapped. Extensive damage to power lines and poles will likely result in widespread power outages that could last a few to several days.
Category 3
Sustained winds 111-130 mph (96-113 kt or 178-209 km/hr). Dangerous winds will cause extensive damage. Some structural damage to houses and buildings will occur with a minor amount of wall failures. Mobile homes (mainly pre-1994 construction) and poorly constructed signs are destroyed. Many windows in high rise buildings will be dislodged and become airborne. Persons struck by windborne debris risk injury and possible death. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks.
Category 4
Sustained winds 131-155 mph (114-135 kt or 210-249 km/hr). Extremely dangerous winds causing devastating damage are expected. Some wall failures with some complete roof structure failures on houses will occur. All signs are blown down. Complete destruction of mobile homes (primarily pre-1994 construction). Extensive damage to doors and windows is likely. Numerous windows in high rise buildings will be dislodged and become airborne. Windborne debris will cause extensive damage and persons struck by the wind-blown debris will be injured or killed. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted. Fallen trees could cut off residential areas for days to weeks. Electricity will be unavailable for weeks after the hurricane passes.
Category 5
Sustained winds greater than 155 mph (135 kt or 249 km/hr). Catastrophic damage is expected. Complete roof failure on many residences and industrial buildings will occur. Some complete building failures with small buildings blown over or away are likely. All signs blown down. Complete destruction of mobile homes (built in any year). Severe and extensive window and door damage will occur. Nearly all windows in high rise buildings will be dislodged and become airborne. Severe injury or death is likely for persons struck by wind-blown debris. Nearly all trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months.
There you have it, some nasty stuff there. As I already mentioned, Hurricane Bill hit is last weekend and was only a Category 1. Thankfully it was far enough off the coast that it didn't cause much damage but Hurricane Danny is threatening to hit is head on and while it is only a Tropical Storm right now, there are projected models that show it reaching Category 1 before it hits. That could be interesting.
Well folks, time for me to make like a tree and leave. It is Friday and that makes me happy. Remember to make sure you clean between your toes when you shower, there is a lot of bacteria there that is often overlooked and can lead to warts and other foot related issues.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
v29.7: After The Storm
As I expected, Hurricane Bill came and went and if you didn't know it was coming, you would have missed it. The storm flew into town generating as much wind as a single butterfly. Of course, if you believe in the "Chaos Theory" you wouldn't take the wind of a butterfly for granted.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
v29.6: Musing over Evony
Normally I don't around to writing on the weekends but today I thought I would put out a special musing dedicated to a game I've been playing for awhile, called Evony.
Friday, August 21, 2009
v29.5: There She Blows!
Friday has found us once again. This time it comes just before a hurricane that is scheduled to hit us sometime this coming Sunday. I won't say I'm not worried about it as there is potential for some family traveling on Sunday and driving in a Category 4 Hurricane is never advisable.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
v29.4: Living From Anywhere
I did not get a chance to write yesterday. I decided yesterday that I had a lot of mundane tasks to complete and rather than come into the office where there were a bunch of distractions, I stayed home and worked remotely. Isn't technology fun?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
v29.3: Life Scripted
Ever feel like you life is a play scripted for the enjoyment of some higher being? You go through the motions every day as if some unseen force is watching you and taking joy in the show. I sometimes feel this way, in fact, I have started writing a story about it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
v29.2: PWSD
I'm suffering from PWSD this morning. What is PWSD you ask? Well before you go and Google it, let me tell you it isn't anything serious and I believe one in every one person suffers from this condition.
Friday, August 14, 2009
v29.1: Thinking Inside the Box
I'm sure most of you have heard the saying, "Think outside the box". Well today I want to talk about "Thinking Inside the Box".
Thursday, August 13, 2009
v29.0: What's Up With Work?
It has been a few days since I've written. I was off Monday and Tuesday and as such didn't even think to write. Yesterday I was playing catch-up in the morning and dealing with other issues during the day. Today, however, is like any other day so here I sit writing.
Friday, August 7, 2009
v28.9: Fantabulous Friday
You're not seeing things this morning, it is indeed Friday. For some of us this marks the end of a long week of work and the beginning of a glorious weekend; for others it is just another day.
I awoke this morning tired and confused. The fact that it was Friday didn't fully register at first. I had to look long and hard at the Calendar and cross referencing it with my BlackBerry to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Then, like a wave crashing down the surf, the reality of what day it was hit me. I have been looking forward to this day all week. Why you ask? Here are a few reasons:
- My son comes home from a week of camp
- My Mother is coming to visit this weekend
- My Daughter's 7th Birthday party
- It is the last day of work for the week
- It is Payday
- Long Weekend for me (Monday and Tuesday off)
Imagine waking up and forgetting what day it was only to find out it was Christmas morning. Of course today isn't Christmas yet (thank the gods) but it is the next best thing and I can't wait until work is over.
But I digress about real life. If you wanted to read about real life you would read my biography. Of course for you to read that I would need to write one, so I guess your out of luck there. You see, a biography is simply defined as an account of the series of events making up a person's life. Normally the "person" is someone well known or important to many; which I am not (yet). Also, I am only in my early 30s and have many many more years of life left; I am also not one to only write half a story (oh wait! I knew I was forgetting to do something) so why write a biography about a guy in his early 30s? I've been a child/teenager longer than I have been an adult, what life lessons could I have possibly learned that are worth sharing in a biography? You see my point?
I must admit, I'm a bit stuck on that last sentence: I've been a child/teenager longer than I have been an adult. There is so much truth in that statement that it is like a major wake-up call. It is simple math really; a person ceases to be a child at the age of 13 where they become a teenager (get it? ThirTEEN, FourTEEN, FifTEEN, etc. You'd be surprised how many people don't notice that). You are then considered a teenager until the age of Twenty. Funny that you cease to be a teenager at the age of 20 but are not legally an adult (in most places) until the age of 21. Twenty is an interesting age. I remember when I turned 20; seems like it was just yesterday (lol). So if you're considered a child->teenager for the first 20 years of your life and you take 20 and double it you get 40. That means, until you reach the age of 40, you have lived more as a child and teenager than you have as an adult. Kind of encouraging for those of us who think they're "old" after 30. Since the average lifespan of a person in Canada (as of this musing) is 81.2 (yeah, .2), you should expect to live as long as your childhood/teenage life at least 3 times over as an adult. In that case, you have no right to feel old until you've reached that last 20ish years, so I don't want to hear any more bitching about being old. :)
While I'm on the topic of life and life expectancy, did you know the average life expectancy for someone living on the planet earth is only 66.6 years? In fact, the lowest life expectancy I could find was 40.4 years in Lesotho which is a little country in South Africa. Hard to believe isn't it? Think of all the people you know that are older than 40 years. Now imagine all of them being dead and gone. I can't imagine being in a place like that; my mother and father would have both died before my first child was born.
Now that I have depressed everyone I need to take my leave. I have a lot of things I need to get cleaned up today before I go home. I am only in the office half a day today so there is quite a bit I need to get done. Remember to take at least 5 minutes today to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a happy place. Learn to shift your perspective and you will be a happier person.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
v28.8: Testticulating Thursday
We have been blessed with another day on this planet. A plant which is spinning in circles as it rotates around a massive ball of fire somewhere in the galaxy. Just to give you an idea of how fast we're moving; if the earth were to sudden come to a stop, the force of the stop would be so great those of us on the farside of the earth would be projected off into space while the rest of us on the near side of the earth would be flattened like pancakes. That is, of course, if the earth didn't crumble to pieces and break apart like a moist straight from the oven biscuit. Mmmm
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
v28.7: One Step At A Time
The mind is truely an amazing thing and a terrible thing to waste. Using nothing but our minds we are able to trick our bodies into thinking we are somewhere else or create an alternate reality whenever we feel like it. The mind can also be a dangerous thing because it sometimes causes us to dream up "realities" that are not real which can cause stress and anxiety.
Friday, July 31, 2009
v28.6: Never Enough Time
It is Friday! We have been blessed with yet another weekend and for some of us, a long weekend. I am lucky enough to have the day off today as well as Monday so I have an extra long weekend ahead of me.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
v28.5: Why Coffee?
I've had a couple readers ask me, "Why Musings over COFFEE?". I don't know why I chose coffee over all the other things I enjoy in life; I guess it just made sense that I usually started every day with a cup of coffee and random thoughts in my head over a cigarette. I no longer smoke, but I still enjoy that morning coffee.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
v28.4: Thinking Aloud
Another day has started. The world awoke to find the world is still spinning, the oceans are still moving we still have oxygen to breathe. There are many things we should be thankful for every single day we are here and some of them we take for granted.
Monday, July 27, 2009
v28.3: D-Day
No, I didn't invent a time machine and take us back to June 6th. Today is D-Day for me here at work where the last 6 months of development, bug fixes and testing all come together to form Voltron! Am I ready? Mentally I am prepared to get my ass kicked. The product is mostly ready but I fear by the end of the day it still won't be production. It has been nice working with you all.
Friday, July 24, 2009
v28.2: The Endings
Don't be alarmed, I am not ending Musings over Coffee. I was rereading a few of my musings and found that there was a time when I would end each musing with a witty piece of advice or pure randomness. After chatting with a friend at work about it, he agreed that I should dedicate an entire musing to the "Endings" of all my previous musings. Some are a good laugh so grab a coffee, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
v28.1: Thursday Trials
Thursday is finally here and my week of testing is going well. As expected, I have a new one for you today and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Musing as I have been working on it all week. Think of it as a reward for all your hard work this week diving in my site and finding the posts.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
v28.0: Weird Wednesday
I was seriously side tracked this morning when I got into the office. I had a few minutes to write down some quick thoughts so here I am.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
v27.9: Rollercoaster Ride
I am work ing from home today. I had a meeting scheduled for 6AM Eastern so instead of getting up at 5AM and driving into the office I decided to stay home. Isn't technology grand? I have the ability to do my job from virtually anywhere in the world; how times have changed.
Monday, July 20, 2009
v27.8: A Week of Testing
We are in the final week of testing for the project I have been leading since February. This was a huge undertaking for me and a massive learning curve but things are starting to look like they may fall together quite nicely.
Friday, July 17, 2009
v27.7: TSFIHF
Acronyms are a funny thing. I find it interesting especially when you start to study acronyms and find out that these things have a history of causing confusion. For example, the title of my Musing this morning has a very clever acronym that I made up. Of course this acronym only means something to me and isn't even related to my musing so what could it mean?
Monday, July 13, 2009
v27.6: Picture is worth 1,000 words
If a picture is worth 1,000 words then there are probably hundreds of thousands of words about my weekend out on the internet somewhere.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
v27.5: Making Ends Meet
I'm sure many of us struggle with making ends meet; especially these days. Now more than ever people need to be mindful of their finances and start living within their means. Unfortunately most of us have grown accustomed to our lifestyle and immediatly shut off our listening ears when someone tries to talk sense. I am not exempt from this.
Monday, July 6, 2009
v27.4: Post Vacation Blues
Just finished dropping off my car at the dealership for my regular Motor Vehicle Inspection which was due last week. I drive a 2008 car with low mileage yet they insist to do the money grab and make me come back a year later to get it inspected to make sure it is still safe for the road. Thankfully this safety inspection is good for 2 years now and not the traditional 1 year so I won't have to worry about the thing until July 2011.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
v27.3: Focus
the concentration of attention or energy on something
Monday, June 29, 2009
v27.2: Schools Out For Summer!
Today school is officially out for summer here in Nova Scotia. Today the kids go back for a couple hours to say goodbye to friends and teachers, pick up their report cards and pick up any possessions left over from the year. I remember as a child how the last day of school used to bring me so much joy.
Friday, June 26, 2009
v27.1: Something About A Pool - 40!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
v27.0: Meh Day - 39
Today I am feeling like meh. Remember the days of feh? That was a word we used to use almost a decade ago to express disgust or contentment. We used to use it all the time but it really didn't seem to express what we wanted so along came the word Meh which means Expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm. Today is a Meh Day for me.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
v26.9: Big Sigh - 38
I'm tired this morning, both physically and mentally. Since you already know why I'm physically tired, let me elaborate on the mental fatigue I've been experiencing.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
v26.8: Technically Tuesday - 37
Technically it is Tuesday though it feels like Monday for me. Yesterday I was out sick; more of a personal day than anything but there was a certain sick factor there as well. I need a long vacation.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
v26.7: Some Changes - 32
I've made some changes to the site. The first, and most notible chage is the theme. I downloaded the Frugal Theme and have begun to heavily modify it. I liked the basic layout with minimal flare; it makes the site easier to read and keeps the clutter down to a minimum.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
v26.6: Why Me? - 31
I had a very interesting evening last night. I left work as I normally do and drove the same route I've driven since I moved into our house last year but for some strange reason yesterday felt different.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
v26.5: New Domain - 30
I'm a bit excited this morning about my new domain. I have been wanting to register this new domain for awhile now and every day I would check to make sure it was still available. Last night I decided it was time to bite the bullet and register the thing; I feel Musings over Coffee has grown beyond the fiendz.net domain, and therefore, needed a domain of its own.
Monday, June 15, 2009
New Domain for Musings
v26.4: My Oh My Monday - 29
Day 29. Of course to call it day 29 is a bit of a stretch as we kinda fell down last week due to the baby keeping us up all night and me being sick with a cold. Most mornings we got up and just laid back down again because we were so exhausted. We felt bad so we decided to rinse and repeat the week this week. As a result, my P90X is going to be P90X+6.
Friday, June 12, 2009
v26.3: Freakin' Friday - 26
I'm still here! These past couple weeks have been very busy for me and I haven't had any time to write. Luckily things seem to have gone well last night so I have a few moments this morning to say hi.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
v26.2: Sighs - 23
I had a few minutes to write this morning so here I am. I haven't posted for about a week and for that I apologize. Work has been very... difficult this past week and Friday I was out sick; and was sick most of the weekend. I'm still not 100% but I'm at work and that's all my boss cares about.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
v26.1: The Coffee Burns - 16
Day 16! I'm nearly 18% of the way through P90X and I am starting to feel great. Each week it gets easier and as we start on Week 3 I find I have more endurance and more strength to do the exercises I need to do to get back in shape. I feel energized and ready for next week when the whole workout schedule is changed as we move into the "Muscle Confusion" stage.
Monday, June 1, 2009
v26.0: Family Ties - 15
Remember that old Television show "Family Ties" with Michael J. Fox? I remember asking my parents to stay up a little bit later on a school night so I could watch it. It is one of the earliest "sitcom" television shows that I can remember; along with "Growing Pains". What did these early "sitcom" shows have in common? They taught us that every family has their issues and problems but by sticking together we can work through anything together. This, my friends, is why blood is thicker than water.
Friday, May 29, 2009
v25.9: You Idiom Part Deux - 12
I've had a super busy morning this morning. I arrived at work early again only to be greeted with a phone call from my bosses' boss who is in Hong Kong. Here I am 2 hours later ready to write. Is it Friday yet? Oh wait, IT IS!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
v25.8: You Idiom! - 11
I was on my way into work this morning when I had a great idea for a musing. In fact, this idea may be so great that it may end up being a series of musings. I was looking to explain those age old sayings we usually say without thinking. For example, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.". What the hell does that mean? Read on and find out!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
v25.7: Spectacular - 10
It is Hump Day! That's right, for some of us, Wednesday indicates the hump in our work week. We spend Monday and Tuesday climbing the hill then on Wednesday the climb starts to even out and the the walk becomes easier as we coast downhill to Thursday and Friday. Of course this only means something to those who work a regular 40 hour week Monday - Friday. For the rest of you, hats off, I don't think I could ever go back to shift work again.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
v25.6: Long Time... - 9
I'm still here. I had Friday off in lieu of the Victoria Day holiday I missed last week and then yesterday I was out sick with back pain. Of course I'm not letting that stop me and my workout is going ahead as per usual.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
v25.5: It is Hard - 4
This diet and workout plan is no easy chore. I've been doubting myself and whether or not I'll be able to go the distance. It has been 4 days and it has felt like weeks. My body craves the dirty food, the grease, the fat, the unhealthy choices. I want to dive into a pool of milk chocolate goodness and slurp my way out. Hell, I'll even settle for a piece of toast covered with jam right now!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
v25.4: Turkey Bacon - 3
Since starting our new diet/workout training I have been introduced to many new foods and combinations. One new food, that I don't believe I've ever had before, is the turkey bacon strip. Now I don't know about you but when I think of the word "bacon", I don't think of a Turkey.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
v25.3: Hungry - 2
I'm so hungry! In addition to the daily early morning workout we've also been following the eating guide for P90X. Right now I am only allowed one serving of carbs per day. This equates to one piece of toast for my breakfast. Of course I'm eating more than a piece of toast a day, but as far as carbs go, that is all I'm allowed to have. I will say one nice thing about this eating plan, I don't have to worry about making my own meals or worrying about what to eat; it is all planned out for me.
Monday, May 18, 2009
v25.2: Victoria Day - 1
Today is a holiday here in Canada. While most people have the day off today, I do not.
Friday, May 15, 2009
v25.1: Forever Friday
What if every day felt like a Friday? Better yet, what if every day felt like the Friday before a long weekend? I could really go for a Friday before a long weekend right now. Oh wait!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
v25.0: Thursday Quickie
Tis Thursday and the weather is looking fine here in Halifax. I've been at work for over an hour now and I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit. I came into work early with the intent to muse but was side-tracked by a few issues that required my immediate attention.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
v24.9: P90What?
Just a short musing this morning. I have a meeting promptly at 8AM this morning so I've arrived at work a little earlier than usual to prepare and to write a quick musing. Since the meeting starts in less than 15min from now I doubt I'll get too much musing done, but we'll see where it takes us.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
v24.8: Testing Testing
I've decided to do a couple things in an effort to make some cash with my site. First off, you may have noticed the appearance of some advertisements on the site. These are provided by Google and should be somewhat relevant to the content on the page. When you click on the more link for this post, you should be greeted with a block of ads that will somehow relate to what I'm writing about. Each time someone clicks on these links I earn a few cents; if enough people click on the links I earn more money. The goal here is to create a second income from my site and eventually make this my primary source of income.
Monday, May 11, 2009
v24.7: Life After WoW Launch
Today is the day I've made a conscience decision to stop playing World of Warcraft. While in truth this may only be a small break from the game, my goal is to quit playing completely and taking back some of the things I used to do before WoW.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
Reverting Back
Let me know if you have any issues with view it. Also, all user accounts are reverted back to the original login/password BEFORE I moved to Movable Type.
v24.6: Things are looking UP
I think this may be one of my most anticipated musings ever. I dropped an interesting piece of news on a couple family members yesterday and when prompted for more information, I told them to read my musing today. I love the suspense of others.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
v24.5: PocketSmith Fun
It is Thursday and I can hardly believe this week has gone by so fast. Of course I was sick Monday and worked from home yesterday so really I've only been in the office for one day this week so far. Wouldn't be nice if you could go into the office one day a week and still make decent money to live? Better yet, don't you wish you could work from home all the time?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
v24.4: Something Different
Well apparently the "Something Different" turned into something familiar. I was attempting to write my musing from the front seat of my car while I waited for my wife who was at the Dr's office but apparently all the text I entered was only imaginary and was not saved upon submit. Alas, now I must find alternate ways to blog remotely.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
v24.3: AGAIN!
I was out sick yesterday. With the current scare of this Swine Flu going around, I didn't want to take any chances with showing up at work not feeling well. We have already had several corporate communications at work instructing people to stay away from the office if they suspect they have Swine Flu and to get checked out. I don't have Swine Flu, but I did feel a bit ill yesterday.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
v24.2: New Site: Day 2
It is Day 2 of the new site and so far I'm enjoying it. There are a few issues to iron out still and I'm still having issues with the permission denied on some of the CGI scripts but overall the site is working well and I hope to have the permission issue fixed by the weekend.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
v24.1: New Site!
I finally got around to getting my new site online! It still isn't 100% where I want it but it is coming along nicely. First thing I want to point out is that your user account has not be migrated over just yet (doing it now). Since the passwords are stored differently in Movable Type than Wordpress, you will need to do a request password before you can login and post comments and such.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
v24.0: Happy Anniversary
Today my wife and I are celebrating 10 years together. I can't believe 10 years has gone by so fast. It seems like just last year we were a couple of kids in love and scared because we were about to embark on a crazy adventure called parenting.
Monday, April 27, 2009
v23.9 - A-musing
Surprise!! I didn't get my new site pushed out this weekend thanks to having a fun filled weekend of birthday parties and family visits. Saturday was a HUGE success with my son's 9th birthday. Most of the kids showed up in their rock-n-role attire and fun times were had by all.
Friday, April 24, 2009
v23.8 - Fun in the Sun Friday!
The gods have seen it fit to grant us all another day on this floating rock in the vast expanses of space. Not only do we have another day to look forward to, but it is actually going to be a nice day here where I live.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
v23.7 - Musing over Coffee
I can't believe this Musing over Coffee v23.7. If you've been following along since the beginning you'll know that this all started at v1.0 and has incremented by .1 every post. This means I have written a total of....
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
v23.6 - Changing Gears
As the title suggests, I'm switching gears. It's time to make some serious decisions and some major changes and I need to either do it now or never accomplish the things I want to accomplish in life.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
v23.5 - It is done
It is done, Roll-up-the-Rim is over again for another year. I thought I was in for a good year this year as I got a lot of winnings at the beginning. Unfortunately I didn't win much in the latter half of the contest but at least I won something.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
v23.4 - Sadness
I always wondered why there was sadness in the world. I guess for there to be happiness there must be sadness otherwise we'd be emotionless zombies walking around thinking like some sort of Vulcan inflicting logic and reason on others.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
v23.3 - It's Thursday!
Normally I don't cheer about the fact it is Thursday but today is like Friday for me because tomorrow is a holiday. This coupled with the fact that I have Monday off as well; this is shaping up to be a good day indeed.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
v23.2 - Merry Christmas!!
Yesterday was very unusual for me. It had been raining outside all day which made for a wet dreary day. It was almost like the weather was echoing my mood. I left work as I normally do but this time I was approached by a strange man in a long black coat with a brimmed hat. He wore sunglasses, despite it being completely overcast, and had a black beard. He kept his head down slightly as he approached me as if he was ashamed of something wrong he had done. He never said a word, just handed me an envelope, nodded his head as to confirm I was the proper recipient and continued walking down the street. I had to stop for a minute as the reality of the encounter sank in. Who was this person? What was in the envelope? I turned to yell at the man to stop but by then it was too late; the stranger was gone and there I was standing in the rain holding an envelope.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
v23.1 - Sleepy Rain
Here is my musing take 2. You would think after years of writing these things that I would finally learn that tabbing out to do some research or lookup something would result in loss of cursor focus on my writing window so when I hit the backspace key to delete something I just wrote it actually hits the back button on my browser instead resulting in the loss of EVERYTHING I have just written.
Monday, April 6, 2009
v23.0 - Long Weekends
Good morning folks,
There is just something about long weekends that make the rest of the work week a little more bearable. Last weekend was a long weekend because it was my birthday and I wanted to have that day off. This coming weekend is an extra long weekend for me because I have the stat holiday (Friday) off as well as the following Monday; just wish I had the money to make a trip to visit family.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
v22.9 - The Last Day
Morning folks,
Today is officially my last day of work for the week. Tomorrow is my birthday and my boss found it in his heart to approve my request to take the day off. My last job used to give us birthdays off without impacting vacation time, but those were the good ol' days and things have changed drastically since then.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
v22.8 - April Fools!!
Yeah, that's right. I bet you all thought I wasn't going to be posting today, well April Fools on YOU!
Monday, March 30, 2009
v22.7 - Tired
I'm tired today. It could be from lack of sleep or my poor diet or my poor exercise habits. In fact, it is most likely all of the above and my constant craving for snack food late at night. Time for a change.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
v22.6 - On The Ball
Have you ever heard the saying, "Keep your eye on the ball"? It is obviously an old baseball phrase used to help players bat. Since it is a normal reflex for people to close their eyes when things are thrown at them batters will seldom swing too early or too late if they don't keep their eye on the ball.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
v22.5 - Oh Boy!
Morning all,
The drive into work this morning was quite an adventure. I was both amazed and afraid at the same time as I left my driveway and made my way into work. Little did I know the events that would unfold leading me on the greatest adventure I've ever experienced.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
v22.4 - Shattered Dreams
Today I am working from home. We were hit with a fairly significant winter storm last night and it is still snowing outside as I type this. I don't know the exact snowfall amount but it appears to be around 10 inches of snow.
Friday, March 20, 2009
v22.3 - Thinking Outloud
Yes, it's the evening here. Just after 9:30pm as I write this. The day was full of fun and adventures as I enjoyed my last working day off from work. Tomorrow the weekend begins and then it's back to the old grind on Monday. I'm not looking forward to work, but at least I can go into work Monday prepared and very well rested. Oh boy.
So I've been in deep thought these past few days. I've been dealing with a few issues in my life lately which has really got me thinking. I'm debating on changing the Musing over Coffee theme. I've been writing for several years on and off under the Musing over Coffee theme but I think it's time I dropped it completely and came up with something fresh and new. This idea just hit me 30 minutes ago when my daughter said something in passing. I misheard what she said, but what I did hear got me thinking a great deal and gave me a GRAND idea. I won't share it just yet as I have to put the finishing touches on it and then I plan on presenting it to you all for your consideration.
Anyway, just a quick thought for you all tonight. If it wasn't for my daughter I would have completely forgot to write today and that just wouldn't do.
Cheers for now,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
v22.2 - Live From Mom's
As the title would suggest, today's musing is live from my mother's house; of course everyone is at work. I wish I could have found a better time to come and visit but this was the best I could do with my "busy" schedule.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
v22.1 - One Good Deed...
Vacation is going well. Too well I'm afraid. I never want to go back to work again!
Friday, March 13, 2009
v22.0 - Fantastic Friday the 13th!
Big Sigh here. Not a sigh of relief but a sigh of disgust and anger at Microsoft Windows and PCs in general. You see I had an entire musing almost typed up and then for whatever reason my keyboard bindings got all messed up and when I went to hit my backspace key to go back and delete a funny character it thought I wanted to go back in my browser. Of course that means I lose my entire musing I had typed up and was quite angry.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
v21.9 - The Next Day
Good Morning Folks,
The sun is shining and the snow is nearly gone. The stresses and strains from yesterday seem miles away yet so close.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
v21.8 - I need a vacation
It's after 8pm and I'm just sitting down now to write. I need a vacation before I snap.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
v21.7 - Disconnection Notice
I'm sure everyone has received, at one time or another, a disconnection notice of some type of service whether it be electricity or water or even telephone/internet. Well I received one such letter in the mail yesterday and I'm not very happy about it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
v21.6 - Moan
I did intend to write something earlier today but my day was so full of things to do that I didn't have time. In fact, I would have completely missed writing my musing today if it hadn't been for a gaming friend of mine who reminded me when he told me the secret to happiness. What is that secret you ask?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
v21.5 - Short and Sweet
Just a short musing today. I was sitting at my computer playing games and I began to wonder what the hell I was doing. Seriously, why would I want to spend my Sunday in front of a PC? I think I'm enjoying gaming way too much these days. One of my WoW friends made a comment to me today that really hit home. I don't think he meant anything by the comment but it did hit home. I need to find something else to occupy my time. Something.
Cheers for now,
Saturday, March 7, 2009
v21.4 - Sleepy Saturday
I don't know why I'm so tired today. I got to bed at a decent hour and slept fairly well but I am still having issues getting motivated today. We have company showing up here later today for supper so most of the family is busy cleaning to ensure the place looks half respectable. I'm just dragging my ass for some reason.
Friday, March 6, 2009
v21.3 - The Bare Necessities
It's Friday! That means absolutely nothing to those who have to work on the weekends but for those of us that do the regular Monday to Friday 9-5 day job, Friday is a spectacular day! That coupled with the fact that my mother may be making the trek up to visit only makes the day better.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
v21.1 - The Missing Musing?
I was looking at my recent posts this morning and found that I somehow missed a musing. I thought for sure I wrote something on Tuesday but for whatever reason I can't find it anywhere. Today's musing should be v21.3 but I felt it necessary to go back and rewrite v21.1 and submit it as today's musing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
v21.2 - Busy Day
As the title suggests, I'm VERY busy today.
Monday, March 2, 2009
v21.0 - Snow Day!
I'm able to fire off an early morning musing today. We were hit hard last night by a freezing rain storm and as a result, almost all (if not all) the schools in the province are shut down. The roads are very icy today and it just isn't worth getting in an accident over (or worse) trying to make it into work this morning. Therefore, I'm working from home. I always work better from home; less distractions and more comforts. It begs the question, why doesn't every company allow their employees work from home?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
v20.9 - Simple Math
Well the weekend has finally come to a close. The final day is here and Monday looms over us like a tropical storm waiting to unleash it's fury. Where did my weekend go?!? To be fair, I still have the rest of the day; I need a vacation.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
v20.8 - Pain in the Rain
Well it looks like the gods have decided to bless us with yet another day of pain and misery. While they were at it, they decided to dump a ton of rain where I live and laugh with glee as all the snow beings to melt causing drains to back up and roads to flood. Good times.
Friday, February 27, 2009
v20.7 - It's Friday!
It's Friday! Despite being sick for a couple days this week, I still feel as though I worked an entire week. Friday is one of my most favorite days of the week.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
v20.6 - Simply Speaking
It's been one of those days.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
v20.5 - Still Sick
I'm still sick today. The actual sickness seems to be getting worse for some reason. It all started as a mild sore throat last week and has blossomed into this full on head cold with flu symptoms.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
v20.4 - Roll Up The Sick
I'm sick today. Yesterday I went into work sick with meds to keep me awake and alert but today I just can't do it.
Monday, February 23, 2009
v20.3 - Roll-up-the-Rim Time!!
No, you're not seeing things, it is a brand new musing!! I know I haven't written since September, but Roll-up-the-Rim has officially started up again and like last year, I plan on tracking my winnings and writing every single day until the competition is over.
I'll need to be short today because I wasn't prepared for the contest to start, but rest assured starting tomorrow you will be greeted by my good ol' fashioned musing now with more phat!
Until then, keep your sticks on the ice.