Friday, June 12, 2009

v26.3: Freakin' Friday - 26

Good morning folks,


I'm still here!  These past couple weeks have been very busy for me and I haven't had any time to write.  Luckily things seem to have gone well last night so I have a few moments this morning to say hi.


The pool is nearly ready to accept swimmers.  This week we finally got fed up with the cloudy water and decided to take drastic measures.  We contacted a local pool company here and expressed our frustrations.  They suggested a clearing chemical which required us to dilute approximately 500ml into a bucket of water and then pour it over the pool and let it sit for 12+ hours.  Wouldn't you know it, the pool cleared over night and we could clearly see the bottom and the rest of the dirt that was there.  Unfortunately it was raining yesterday so we didn't get a chance to vacuum up all the dirt from the bottom so I decided to throw a second treatment into the pool and we'll take another stab at vacuuming it out today.  So far the opening of this pool has been a very expensive adventure for me; almost not worth it to be honest.


Today is Friday and we are about to venture into the weekend.  I'm looking forward to a nice quiet weekend around the house.  There are so many little things that need to get done and I have no idea where to start.  If my job has taught me anything recently it is to document and record everything.  I need to do this at home so I can keep a record of every single project that needs to be done.  This way I can cross things off as I complete them and see at a glance what needs to be finished.  This also gives me a method for setting priorities so I can fix the important things first and then worry about the smaller less significant tasks when I have the time.


Well folks, the time has come for me to bid you farewell and get to work.  Hopefully everyone has a great weekend and hopefully next week things calm down a bit so I can write more frequently.


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