Thursday, June 25, 2009

v27.0: Meh Day - 39

Good morning folks,


Today I am feeling like meh.  Remember the days of feh?  That was a word we used to use almost a decade ago to express disgust or contentment.  We used to use it all the time but it really didn't seem to express what we wanted so along came the word Meh which means Expressing indifference or lack of enthusiasm.  Today is a Meh Day for me.


I want to apologize for offloading my work woes to you all yesterday.  Sometimes I forget why I started these Musings and I sometimes let my deep emotions take over when I write.  While my feelings towards my job most likely will not change anytime soon, I still enjoy the paycheque and the stability I have here.  Those two things alone are the only reasons I can sleep at night.


As already mentioned, today is a meh day for me.  The weather is dreary; overcast, foggy and so hot and humid I wish I was home poolside right now.  I haven't had much time in the pool this week due to the weather; hopefully tonight I'll have a chance to take a dip if the weather holds off and we don't get those thunder storms they are calling for.


Well folks, I've been inturrupted multiple times already this morning so I need to run and do some work.  Tomorrow is Friday and next week I have 3 days off so things are starting to look a LOT better.


Until next time.




  1. It's been a "meh" day for me too...
    You're right though... you have a great paying job and security. Those things are very important in this day and age. You also have a pool... "sigh" :o)
    Love you.
    Give my grandchildren a huge hug and kiss for me.

  2. The pool was awesome today! Thanks for letting me come over... not that you had a choice :P
