Tuesday, October 13, 2009

v31.0: I was here first!

Howdy folks,

First off, let me apologize for the lack of posts lately.  I could used my customary excuse and complain about how busy I've been but as I've already pointed out before, I had the time, I just didn't make time for writing.


lining-upI'm sure you've used the phrase "I was here first" a time or two in your lifetime.  You hear it all the time in schools, especially in Elementary schools where being first in a line actually meant something.  I remember my Elementary school days; we are told that you shouldn't cut in line and to be at the front of the line was a good thing, almost rewarding.  This mentality is ingrained into our minds at an early age and sticks with us.


mergingI see this a lot at intersections where there are two lanes that merge into one on the other side.  I constantly see ignorance when at these types of intersections.  You have Driver A in the left lane and Driver B pulls up behind Driver A.  Then Driver C pulls up in the lane beside Driver A.  Driver C's lane ends on the other side of the intersection.  What happens?  Driver A jumps the gun and accelerates faster than they normally would, Driver B is right on their tail.  Driver C tries to merge over and ends up nearly side swiping Driver B because Driver B wasn't going to allow the merge.  Why?  Because Driver B was there first.  There are other situations where things like this happen, but this is the one that stands out right now.


supermarket-lineupOf course I see this all over the place when driving.  People are constantly cutting other people off or riding the bumper of the person in front of them as to not allow someone to merge in or switch lanes.  It drives (no pun intended) me crazy to watch this stuff on a daily basis.  This isn't limited to just drivers, you see it in the supermarkets, convenience stores and department stores  all the time.  People have it in their heads they need to be the first (or as close to first as possible) in every line up.  There is just something about being first at something that seems to drive society.  People will rush, they will run, they will bump people out of the way and when they're in a hurry, you hear the sighs and see the shaking of heads to let the whole world know they are annoyed about being delayed.


movie-lineupThere are some instances where being first has its advantages.  For example when a store is opening and there are limited supplies of something available to the first X number of people, you will want to get there early (in some cases a day or two early) and line up.  You see this most often when there is a big new video game release or new movie.  In the case of a movie you're not necessarily there due to limited seats but to get the best seat in the house to enjoy your favorite movie.


Anyway folks it is getting late and I must start getting ready to turn in for the night.  Again, I apologize for the lack of posting lately; I'll be sure to make up for it.  Remember to always give yourself enough room between you and the car in front to allow someone the opportunity to merge in.  You may piss off the people behind you, but you'll not only be a safer driver but you'll also save your brakes and give someone a chance to merge in when they need it.



1 comment:

  1. If we all followed that rule, then driving in the city might not be so scary for us old folks.. lol
