Wednesday, February 25, 2009

v20.5 - Still Sick

Howdy Folks,


I'm still sick today. The actual sickness seems to be getting worse for some reason. It all started as a mild sore throat last week and has blossomed into this full on head cold with flu symptoms.


Friday night last week my sister and her boyfriend came by the house along with my brother-in-law. The goal; to play World of Warcraft until our eyes bled. Well, not only did we accomplish that, I think I pushed myself too far which is when the decline in my health was noticed. I work early in the morning, so by the time people started showing up at our house on Friday night for this adhoc Lan party, I had already been awake for 16 hours. The Lan party commenced and we played until sometime around 4am. That put my waking time to around 22 hours straight. Needless to say, my body was just worn out and given all the changes going on at work these past few weeks, I was already exhausted.


Of course parenthood had other plans for me in the morning as I was rudely awoken by the sounds of my two oldest kids up and about getting their own breakfast and such. You would think something that small would be a lot quieter; they aren't.


I arose from my somewhat troubled slumber a short 4 hours later and proceeded to carry on with my day. My whole weekend was a mess, my sleep patterns were off, we were all cranky and we had my niece sleeping over. Needless to say, on Sunday we did exactly what the good Lord intended; we rested.


As I told you all yesterday, it was very important that I make it into work on Monday for new hire presentations so I grabbed a bottle of expired cold/flu mediation out of the cupboard and took the 2 that were left. I also packed along with me some Tylenol so assist with the flu symptoms like chills and aches. Let this be a less to everyone out there, when medication has an expiry date on it, PLEASE pay special attention to it. Typically a few months overdue isn't too bad, but when your medication expired over a year ago, get rid of it. Not only did this stuff make me feel better, it made me high as a kite. Unfortunately, it was short lived and when I woke Tuesday morning I was so congested and dizzy I just decided to stay home. This morning was no better and now my voice has this deep sickness sound to it.


Anyway folks, I must go lay down and get some much needed rest. I plan on going to work tomorrow with fresh meds in hand. Hopefully the rest and fluids I get today will make waking tomorrow a little easier.


Until next time.


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