Wednesday, April 29, 2009

v24.1: New Site!

Good morning folks,


I finally got around to getting my new site online!  It still isn't 100% where I want it but it is coming along nicely.  First thing I want to point out is that your user account has not be migrated over just yet (doing it now).  Since the passwords are stored differently in Movable Type than Wordpress, you will need to do a request password before you can login and post comments and such.


You'll notice there are some things still missing (calendar for
example), I'm working on getting all that stuff online but it is going
slow.  I was able to successfully migrate over all the Musings and
posts from the other site last night (damn XML!) and I setup the
redirect this morning.  I am keeping the old site intact for now in
case things go terribly wrong with this one and I need to revert back. 
I'll let this site stand for about a week and if I'm not happy with
what I see by next Wednesday I'll revert it all back and start anew.


what prompted the big switch?  I have been using Wordpress for a long
time.  The package worked very well for me but there were always these
"little" things that angered me and caused me headaches.  If you're a
frequent visitor and commenter you might have noticed an issue with
posting comments on some of the themes.  Sadly, some of the nicer theme
packs I downloaded for Wordpress looked very nice on the outside but
some of the inside mechanics (the stuff you don't see) were broken or
were just plain left out.  As a result, the themes I liked the best
were only semi-completed and only half working.  Movable Type has a
better templating system which allows for cleaner designs and more
functonallity to be included and standardized.  Also, I don't have to
download anything, I just point my server at a "template hosting site"
and I can utilize any of the templates they are hosting right from the
web without having to download a single zip file; saves a LOT of time
and makes my job much easier.


There are other
benifits as well that I won't bore you with but to summarize, it will
help me a great deal with my writing and hopefully open the doors to
bigger and better things to come.  We'll see how it goes and we'll see
if I can learn on the fly like I used to be so good at.


folks, that is all I have for now.  We have an Executive VP showing up
here today so I need to make sure everything is in order and ready for
the visit.  I will hopefully have all the user accounts migrated over
fully by the time anyone reads this so feel free to request your
passwords reset (I sure hope that works).  If you run into any issues
drop me an email and I will look into it when I get off work today.


Until next time.


1 comment:

  1. There are some issues with the cgi scripts allowing people to reset passwords and to sign-up new. I'm working on this and hope to have it corrected soon.
