Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Morning Folks,

Sorry for not getting a chance to write yesterday, but things were crazy here at the office and I didn't have any time to do anything but work.  Today, I've decided to rip myself away for a few moments to write down some thoughts regarding the weekend.  As you know, we took some time this weekend to head down and visit family in the South Shore.  It was nice to get away and see some folks I haven't seen in a long time.  I also got to spend a great deal of time with my Grandfather which is something I've been meaning to do for quite some time but just haven't had the opportunity.  Fitting, since it was Remembrance Day here in Canada and my Grandfather is a war veteran.  I had the pleasure of talking with him this weekend and hearing some stories that I hadn't heard before.  He was in great spirits and was a joy to be around.  This weekend brought back a lot of memories for me from when I was younger and used to go and visit my grandparents in the summer time.  I remember the lake, the cottage and the fun times with my grandparents.  I remember swimming in the cool clean water and we didn't worry about sun burns or catching anything from the water.  Life seemed so much simpler.

I miss having my Grandmother around.  She was always so happy and always so loving.  She didn't get a chance to meet my Daughter and I think she would have fallen in love with her if she had.  My Grandfather had a constant smile on his face this weekend as he watched my kids play.  My Daughter, who isn't shy at all, had made him something in school last week and gave it to him.  She also sat and spoke with him regarding the war and how she was glad he lived and was able to come home.  She is so sweet sometimes it's hard to believe she is my child :)

On Sunday we attended the Remembrance Day service.  It was a good service wrapped up in tradition an ceremony.  Remembrance Day is a lot of that.  For me, I could live without all the tradition and ceremony of the day, but I understand why we have it.  As I looked at my kids I was a bit saddened by their lack of "care" over the day.  Some people just don't realize there were men and women who died for our freedom and men and women who die every day to maintain that freedom.  We have troops over in the Middle East who are fighting daily so we can go to bed at night and not have to worry about being bombed in our homes or attacked in the streets.  I often wonder if we will ever see peace on this planet with all the fighting that seems to break out all over.

But I digress here; this is about remembering the men and women who fought for our country.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to go visit family this past weekend and I'm glad my wife was able to video record my Grandfather telling stories about the war.  That is something we'll hold on to long after he is gone.  His life may end one day, but our memories of his stories and the history of his battles will live on forever.  As long as I have breath, I will continue to remind my children (and grand children) about their Great Grandfather (or great great grandfather) and how he fought for us.

Kind of touching when you think about it.


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