Morning Folks,
Granted it isn''t morning for some of you anymore, it is still morning here. :)
Apologies for the late musing and the lack of musing yesterday. I was in the process of rebuilding my laptop here at work this morning and just now got it all setup the way I like it. Yesterday I was a wee bit late for work and we were quite busy in the morning. I decided rather than send off a quickie letting you know there was no musing, I would just skip it and write today.
How has everyone''s week been so far? Mine has been good (so far). This morning we were presented with another person getting let go from the company in our office. This time it was the big manager guy who runs most of Western Canada. Basically, from what I''ve heard, the sales team hasn''t been performing as the company had expected. As a result of the shitty sales, the company decided to take it out on the managers. Sucks, but what can you do?
We have some fairly big people walking through the office today. One of which is my bosses'' boss who will be coming to meet the team and talk with us. Basically, my boss tells me we need to "sell" ourselves to her and make sure she is aware of what we do here and our responsibilities. So basically, if she isn''t impressed with your list of certs and doesn''t see a need to keep you around, you will be packaged and walked. I''m almost hoping for a package to be honest.
So we are just about done unpacking. Katie has been working very hard on getting the unpacking done as quickly as possible and is doing a great job. I have made a couple trips to the old place and have started the clean-up process for the end of the month move out check. I doubt we''ll get any sort of Damage Deposit back, but I figure I''d try anyway and maybe get a hundred bucks of it. Every little bit will help.
Other than moving and work, I haven''t done a whole heck of a lot. Getting our services moved and changing our address with everyone I can think of has consumed more time than I thought. We still need to head down to the post office and have our mail forwarded to the new address and all that BS. So much more to do and only a few more days to do it in. I hate moving. :)
As I mentioned earlier, I have blown away my laptop and put a new operating system on it. This time I decided to go back to the Windows XP Pro OS. I can hear the collective ''gasps'' now. :) Yesterday, a co-worker and I were playing around on his laptop and he somehow enabled a Dictation feature that comes with Office XP. It inspired me to try it out so I went ahead and installed XP Pro and Office XP on my laptop and have been training the damn thing to recognize my voice so I can dictate. My ultimate goal is to try a musing using this thing in hopes I can dictate a musing to you all sometime. Don''t worry, I''m still going to be writing, I just want to do a proof of concept of the thing and see if it really works as they say. So far, the thing is about 50% accurate with a bunch more voice training needed. I''ll let you all know how it works out. :)
Well gang, this is all the time I have today. I''ll be sure to get a musing out the door to you all early tomorrow morning for your reading enjoyment. Take care and have a Great Day!
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