Morning folks,
No, I''m not late this morning. In fact, I was a wee bit early this morning due to the fact the other guy that starts at 6am isn''t in for the rest of the week. That means, if I''m late and miss a call, my boss hears about it.
Not a heck of a lot happened yesterday. After sending off my musing I began diving into the various tasks and jobs I do around here. Since my basic role around the office is to take care of our entire network/web/calltracking systems, I began by compiling my meeting notes for our weekly internal infrastructure meeting. Sometimes I really hate those meetings. Mostly due to the fact we can sit there for hours talking about HOW things should work and WHY things don''t work and at the end of the day nobody has done anything about it and the company isn''t willing to spend money to fix it. Why we have these meetings is beyond me.
I went home last night later than usual due to another meeting we have in the afternoons. My hours here are from 6am to approx 2:30pm. This meeting we had yesterday afternoon didn''t get out until after 3pm. Do you expect me to get anything for that extra hourish of time spent? Nope, I''m expected to work whenever without compensation. I love my company.
In other news, we are well underway in the packing process. I keep telling myself we won''t be moving for a few more weeks and then I look at all the stuff we have and realize we should have started this a month ago. Katie has done an amazing job getting things packed up and ready. We are donating a ton of toys and clothing and the rest we''re throwing out. It is my hope we move with approx 1/2 the crap we currently have. I can''t wait to get down there and go through my boxes of computer crap. I will most likely be chucking every damn cable and connector I have. There was a time when I used to collect this stuff for the odd time I may need one. Now I just don''t give a shit about computer parts and will be throwing it all away.
Meh, I''m a little bit tired today despite going to bed early. It was so damn hot in our place last night I just tossed and turned trying to find a side to sleep on so the majority of my body was being hit by the fan to keep me a tad bit cool. I hate how the place we live in is so damn hot in the summer and so damn cold in the winter. It would appear the insolation works great in the summer as it keeps all the heat in, but in the winter it lets all the heat out. Great stuff! I''m looking forward to this new place and hope it keeps the heat in good this winter. Last thing I need is to be throwing my cash out the window to heat the place. Luckly this townhouse we''re moving to is in between two other town houses. Hopefully this will help keep the place fairly warm while using very little gas to keep it heated. Hopefully.
Anyway, last time I spent some time playing WoW. I had thought about logging into DAoC but I don''t want to spend much time playing that until the 12th comes around. I have been doing a lot of thinking about the whole "cheating" aspect of video games lately. I have seen numerous posts on the HEXE boards about it recently and have had a few in-game discussions regarding it. Bottom line, there will be cheaters in any video game you ever play. I won''t go into any indepth analysis on cheaters and their impact on society. I will say that cheaters, in an MMOG sense, ruin the game for everyone involved. I''m sure most of us here have played an MMOG or know of someone who does (well yes, you know me so therefore you know someone who does). I have found that when you''re having a good time playing a game and a cheater comes along and exploits something in the game, we tend to brush it off a lot easier than if we were having a bad time playing. People who have already pretty much made up their minds about a game (like me and DAoC) tend to get rubbed the wrong way a LOT easier than someone who is still enjoying the game. This is how we work inside. When someone finds fault in someone/something else, they are more apt to point out the faults when that person or thing has fault. However, those of you with significant others will most of the time look beyond those "faults" and see the person you love. Human nature tends to need a reason to hate/dislike someone or something.
Person A, B and C. Person A and B are friends, person A and C are friends, Person B can''t stand person C. Person A and B are walking down the street and see Person C window shopping. Person B will think, "Person C must have nothing better to do than to window shop all day and spend all that money". Person A will think, "Oh hey, there is Person C!". Person A is a friend who looks at Person C as a Person and a good friend. Unfortunately, person B has a grudge against person C for some reason and is looking for faults in everything Person C does. Why? So they can have a reason to dislike this person.
Sometimes people spend so much time looking for faults and reasons to dislike someone, they lack the vision to see the good and reasons to like people. It doesn''t take much to dislike a person, and can take a long time to like someone. A quick example is your husband/wife leaving you for someone else. That person they left for could have been a best friend or someone you would have gotten along with. This person has "stolen" your love and now you immediatly find every fault and every mistake and turn it against them. We do this because we WANT to hate that person and sometimes the reason for hating someone is because we are jealous. We don''t want our jealous side to become known so we make stuff up or find small faults to cover it up to give us "justification" to hate/dislike a person.
I''ve seen this happen first hand and I know how much it can hurt people. Losing a loved one (especially when they choose to leave) is a hard pill to swallow. It takes a strong person to be able to pick up their life, truely move on and rebuild. Especially after a marriage of almost 20 years.
Anyway folks, I must run and get some work done today. I need to run downtown around 8ish to visit a customer''s site as well as get all the other work done today.
Take care all and remember to stay away from broken glass.
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