Wednesday, July 13, 2005

v8.0 - Musing in vi

Morning folks,


Trying something a little different this morning. I decided to write today''s musing in vi so I could save it as I go. This way, if my laptop crashes (like I think it will) I won''t lose my entire musing.

{slurp}', 'Well, this morning I''m quite tired. Last night our house was an oven and despite having a fan in our bedroom, we were still sweating all night. I ended up taking the blankets and throwing them off the end of the bed sleeping in nothing but a smile. Let me say, I love when it is nice outside except when it doesn''t allow me to sleep.


The family and I are busily getting ready to move. The packing has been well underway since the first of the month and we have been cleaning and getting things semi-ready for when we are able to move in. I was talking with my oldest sister last night about the whole moving thing and how I''m looking forward to move and not looking forward to moving. My landlord-to-be seems like a real nice guy who was recently married and moved to Vancouver. We have been dealing with him over emails and telephone to get the lease agreement filled out and signed and dealing with his father here in Calgary.
Let me say, this experience has proven to be the most "interesting" experience I''ve had renting a place yet.


It all started about a week ago when I had sent an email off asking if he had an eta on when we could possibly move in. I would like to be able to schedule mail forwarding and utilities as soon as possible as well as schedule the truck for moving before it gets too too late in the month. He replied back asking us if we would mind doing the painting and cleaning of carpets at the new place so we
could move in earlier. I had to read his email 3 or 4 times to make sure I read it right. I promptly replied back stating we didn''t have the time to dedicate fixing up our new place as we were in the process of cleaning and packing at our old place. That and the fact I work all day and Katie works some in the evenings. He was understanding and said he would get someone in there to do the jobs
needed before we moved in. This was a little weird, but I shrugged it off.


The people who lived there prior, left the place in quite a mess. For starters, they didn''t even take all their stuff. They left the place dirty and there was a wall that needed some repairs done to it. Among the items left behind were lots of baby stuff (car seat, swing, toys, etc) and nice 32"
or 36" television. Yesterday morning, Katie gets a call from our landlord''s father asking us if we
would mind coming down to the place and helping him get rid of the stuff left behind and we could take our pick of anything left over to keep. My first thought was that TV, however, I then thought about how these people left and how they haven''t come back since to pick up their stuff. My first thought after that was these people coming to our place after we moved in and asking where their stuff
was. Of course, the last thing I need is to have these people show up looking for their things and
seeing them in OUR place. We promptly told the father we didn''t want any of the stuff and we just didn''t have the time to come down there and help him clean out the place. You can bet I was a little taken back by the request. Never in my 11+ years of renting have I ever heard of a future landlord asking for help to clean and fix-up a place before moving in.


Later that day he called back asking us if we wanted to buy a spare TV he had. When Katie told me about the conversation, the first thing I thought was he was going to sell us that TV he took from the place. He said he payed $700 for this 27" television and would sell it to us for 1/2 the price.
I''m not one to be rude, but we bought our last 27" television for under $300 with tax and had no intentions of spending $350 on another one when we already have 3 televisions in our house. Not to mention my PC has a TV tuner card which I can watch television on my 22" monitor.

All in all, it has been a very interesting experience for us. Now you can understand why I''m looking forward to the move but not looking forward at the same time.


So I fired up DAoC last night. I won''t say it was a grand experience, but I did make it to level 6
on my noob Skald before logging out. The game has lost all the fun it once had for me. However, being able to play with my wife is a little more important than the game at this point. I will still
keep my WoW account as I''ve found it a great way to get rid of stresses and take my mind of the DAoC anger. :) Seriously though, DAoC does make me angry. I know people have been dealing with the game for years and I''m sure someone out there is telling me to /cry more noob. Bottom line it all comes down to having fun and enjoying the game. The first thing I noticed when I went back to DAoC is how slow everything was. The characters moving around were slow, the swinging of weapons is slow and everything seems to be so boringly slow. I''m a huge troll fighter with 110 strength to start. I have a 1 handed axe and I swing it every 2.5 seconds. Ok, I have a pretty good sense of time and there is NO way that is 2.5 seconds swing time; it is more like 4 seconds. Does it make that much difference? You bet it does! In WoW, the game moves fast. I don''t sit there and slug my way across a
zone to get to a place. The zones are much larger in WoW and you could get from one end of a zone to the other in the same amount of time it would take you to do it in DAoC. I like the animations of WoW a LOT more than DAoC.


I won''t get into the pros and cons of DAoC vs WoW right now. I will state that I feel WoW is a much better game than DAoC despite its flaws with end game and the PvP system. For now, I''m leveling another toon to 60 and am having a total blast playing. I don''t know what the future brings, but if I can seperate my time between the two games (WoW for me and DAoC for Katie) I''ll be happy.


So it''s Wednesday. Here is a little copy paste on the history of Wednesday for you useless facts database.

Wednesday is the day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday. The name comes from the Old English Wódnesdæg meaning the day of Woden, commonly known as Odin in Modern English. The astrological sign of the planet Mercury represents Wednesday, which was Dies Mercurii to the Romans. In English, this became Woden''s Day, since the Roman god Mercury was identified with the Germanic god Woden in northern Europe.

When Sunday is taken as the first of the week, the day in the middle of the following week is Wednesday. Correspondingly, the German name for Wednesday has been Mittwoch (literally: "mid-week") since
the 10th Century, having displaced the original name: Wodanstag.

Wednesday is also in the middle of the common working week from Monday through Friday.

In the popular rhyme, "Wednesday''s Child is full of woe".

In Spanish, miércoles is used to mean Wednesday, but also as a semi-rude euphemism for never ever.

An English language idiom for Wednesday is "hump day", a reference to making it through the middle of work week as getting "over the hump".

Quakers traditionally refer to Wednesday as "Fourth Day" eschewing the "pagan" origin of the name "Wednesday".


Ooooo, interesting. :)

There is a little story and a little trivia for your Wednesday musing. I''m going to bid you all a fond farewell for today as my counterpart is having car trouble and won''t be in on-time today. I hope everyone has a great day.




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