Monday, July 25, 2005

v8.6 - MOVED!!

Morning folks,


Apologies for the late musing today. We ran into some issues on the weekend with my internet move and I
was without internet until early this morning. I''m back now, and ready to muse a short musing for you all.


We moved !!! I''m excitied to be finally out of that old place and into our new one. Yeah, there were a
few undone things in the new place but no show stoppers to worry about. Our landlord''s father is dropping by this evening to look at some things we found and to arrange to have things fixed up for us. The move took us 2 days (basically) which made a very busy weekend for us.


It all started Friday afternoon. After I got home from work we drove down to the new place and picked up the keys. We took a load of boxes and misc stuff down with us to unload and start the moving process.
We looked over the place and did our own walkthrough (landlord''s father wasn''t available to do this). We were very picky with the walkthrough making sure to address every nick and scratch we found. We''ve been burnt on this in the past and will be burnt again when we do the final walkthrough at our old place. I
swear, these big rental companies like to mark stuff down when you move out and not actually perform any
of the fixes when the new tenant moves in. Then, they ding the new tenant when they move out on the same shit. Makes me sick to think how much money passes through there on any given month.


Friday was fairly uneventful, we finished up our packing and prepared to spend our last night in the old
place. We woke early Saturday morning and began working right away (well, almost right away). We loaded up the car with the necessary things Katie and the kids would need at the new place while I made trips back and forth the rest of the day. Our goal was to spend the night at the new place Saturday. It was a
brutally hot day (Well, Sher wouldn''t think it was hot, but it is for us Mucluck wearing Canuks) which led to much water drinking and sweating :)


Luckly Katie''s brother dropped by and assisted with one full truck load. Overall, we did 3 full car loads and 1 full truck load to the new place. Finished off around 3-4pm in the afternoon and started setting up the rooms and unpacking a little bit getting ready for the night. Woke early Sunday morning and did
it all over again. Both of my sisters showed up along with my brother-in-law to help with the big move.
We picked up the moving truck around 10am and drove over to the old place to pick up the rest of our stuffs. We awoke to RAIN! Luckly, the gods were on our side and when we backed the truck up to the old place, the rain magically stopped! We were able to load the truck in approx 2-3 hours and then moved it all over to the new place.


Setting up the rooms was the biggest pain in the ass. Both my kids had ceiling fans installed in their rooms in the old house (due to the Canuk heat) so I had to put those back up again Sunday night. Also, I
had to build their beds so they could goto bed on-time (yeah right). Then I went and finished building our bed and getting our room setup for the inevitable sleep. I went downstairs after all was done and began setting up the stereo system and moving some boxes around. Katie did a great job setting up the living room and she is busy at home working on the unpacking as I type this. Overall, a smooth and painful move. :)


Oh yeah, the internet thing. We had our internet moved to the new place on Saturday. At the same time,
we had a new internet (Voice over IP) phone installed. The technician from our ISP came by the house and spent way too much time setting all this up. He was fairly unprofessional and didn''t even complete his
job. Yes, he hooked up our phone and internet, but he didn''t test the internet AT ALL! That''s right, imagine my surprise when I came home after getting my last load from the old place to find my internet didn''t work! I spent a couple hours on the phone with technical support who told me that my modem was configured to talk to a different router and they had to reconfigure it for the new router. Oh, and because it was a different router, they had to change my static IP addresses. Yes, I have a business internet connection and my business was down from Saturday morning until around 7am this morning. I was not impressed and a quick phone call to them today will HOPEFULLY give me a credit on my account.


Anyway, we are all moved in and just have a few things to finish up at the old place before we do our move out walkthrough. Yes, I don''t expect to get a dime back from my damage deposit and at this point I really don''t care about it. I''m glad to be out of that shit hole and into a nice neighbourhood and nice place.


Anyway gang, I have to get back to work. Have a great day and we''ll see you bright and early tomorrow. :)




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