Monday, July 26, 2010

v39.1: Post Reunion Blues

Howdy folks,


What a weekend.  There is just something about family coming together to socialize and enjoy each others company that makes it special.  This past weekend was just such an occasion and if I could sum up the entire weekend into a single word, it would be "Epic".


While the actual event didn't begin until Saturday, a bunch of us showed up Friday to get things started early.  And in pure family fashion, as soon as there was word of alcohol and camp fires,  everyone who could make it out joined us.  I got to see a lot of family members I haven't seen in quite awhile including my cousin Brian who I haven't seen in 13 years.  I also got to see a good family friend who I haven't seen in almost just as long.  Needless to say, good times were had by all and I'm really glad I had the opportunity to go down and spend the weekend.  The weather, despite calling for rain on Saturday, was fantastic, hot and sunny all the way up to Sunday when it finally started to rain, just as I was getting ready to tear down the tent.  Let me just say that taking down tents isn't one of my favorite things to do and doing it in the rain makes it even less fun.  Thankfully we have plans to go camping again next week so hopefully the weather is nice and I'm able to dry the tent out.

Tradition: an inherited pattern of thought or action

As with most annual gathers, there are certain traditions that form.  Despite this only being the 2nd annual family reunion, I think we already have a tradition or two in the works.  Unfortunately one of the traditions is my fault and despite my strong objections, I did it again this year with some help from Juggs (thanks Juggs).  What is this mysterious tradition I'm avoiding?  Let me go back about a year when it all started.  As with most family gathers on my mother's side, we tend to drink quite a bit of alcohol and do some crazy fun stuff.  I was quite intoxicated and not of sane mind when my cousin Karl handed me his guitar he brought to the lake.  I had no idea what I was doing and was simply asked to play "something", anything at all.  I hesitantly took the guitar from his outstretched hand and strummed a few chords.  The sounds of the guitar filled me as it usually does when I play and I was taken by a desire to play something.  It was then that a certain song popped into my head and despite all my efforts, I couldn't shake it.  I strummed the first chord and that's how it came to be that on a warm Saturday night with the campfire as my spotlight with the Loons singing backup that I sang to my entire family, an Adam Sandler tune entitled "Medium Pace".  I played the guitar and sang the entire song, every word when I ended there was a brief moment of silence and then everyone clapped and cheered.  I felt like a star.

For those of you who know the song, I can feel your smiles already.  For those who don't, I have provided you with a video so you can give it a listen; this isn't safe for work folks so make sure you've got some privacy.


Now something like that isn't easily forgotten and that is why I had a feeling this year I would be roped into singing it again.  Of course it wasn't until my cousin Karl showed up that all my fears became true.  He stepped out of his truck and walked over to me with a big grin on his face; he knew I remembered and I could hear the words going through his head; Medium Pace!  So there I was again, one year later finding myself on a warm Saturday night with the camp fire as my spotlight, screaming out the lyrics of Medium Pace again.  Thankfully I had my buddy Juggs there to back me up and the two of us pulled the song off like champs.  I felt good.  I went over, sat down next my mother and she simply told me that would have been a song my grandfather would have really enjoyed.  I agreed.


Well folks, those are the highlights from my weekend.  I'm sure there are others but thanks to alcohol, too much sun and jagged lake rocks, I don't recall much else worth writing about.  I hope everyone had a great weekend and hope everyone has a great week.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

v39.0: Versions are...

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.

- Mark Twain

Howdy folks,


Apparently I've been taking examples from work with my versions for Musings over Coffee.  For whatever reason, I skipped a few versions and just noticed it today.  Such is the way things go sometimes.  What's a geek to do?


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

v38.9: Introducing Jupiter Squirrel

Howdy folks,


Hard to believe today is Wednesday; seems like just yesterday it was Tuesday.  I'm looking forward for this week to be finally over and done with.  This weekend is the family reunion on my mother's side and we're really looking forward to heading out to the lake and spending some quality time with family we haven't seen in awhile.  I moved back home to be closer to family so it's nice when an opportunity comes up and it is only a few hours drive away versus a 6 hour plane ride.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

v38.8: Hold Reset, Press Power

Howdy folks,


As most of you know, I'm a gamer.  I'm someone who enjoys many different types of games and play as many different types of games as I can get my hands on.  I've always been a gamer going back to my early years and the family's first computer; a Commodore Vic20.


Monday, July 19, 2010

v38.2: What's wrong with TV?

Howdy folks,


Things have been very busy for me lately.  Last week we had several clients visiting the office to put on some training for my team.  I spent quite a bit of time in meetings with them as well as a lunch meeting and an after work get together.  All-in-all, it was an OK week but I'm glad it is over.


Monday, July 12, 2010

v38.1: Warm Rain

Good morning folks,


As the title suggests, it is raining here today.  Normally I don't use Musings over Coffee to discuss the weather but I felt it was significant enough to talk about since I've rarely seen rain this heavy before.  In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen it rain this hard since Alberta.


Friday, July 9, 2010

v38.0: Friday Checklist

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

- Mark Twain

Good morning folks,


Friday has finally arrived!  I have been looking forward to this day since Monday and despite only having a 4 day work week, I still feel as if I worked all 5 days.  There was something about this week that really made for a long week.  Perhaps the heat was a factor or perhaps it was just "one of those weeks".


Thursday, July 8, 2010

v37.9: Tired Thursday

Good morning folks,


It is finally Thursday though it feels like it should be a Friday.  Despite being ill on Monday and missing work, I still feel like I've worked a full five days this week.  Perhaps the longer days of sunlight help create the illusion you're working more than you actually are.  I'm not working many more hours than I did over the winter months so why should the summer months feel so long?


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

v37.7: Some Quick Stats

Good morning folks,


I'm a fan of stats, or more specifically, stats related to my websites.  Stats can tell me a great deal about the traffic to my sites as well as provide me a way to track what kinds of musings people like to read and which ones are most searched on.  I could sit here all day and write about cute kittens and probably get a ton of hits in a single day, but who really wants to do that?


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

v37.6: Gaming Update

Good morning folks,


I haven't posted any gaming updates lately so I thought I'd make a quick post about what I've been up to with regards to gaming lately.  After all, this site is supposed to be senseless ramblings from a UNIX administrator and gamer.


Friday, July 2, 2010

v37.5: The Big Clean

Howdy folks,


It is Friday and I'm working from home.  I'm glad I have the option to work from home when needed.  There are only so many vacation and sick days one can take in a given year and "wasting" those on days where there are doctor appointments makes me annoyed.  The flexibility  at work makes the work that much more bearable.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

v37.4: Canada Day Riddle

Morning folks,


Well it is Canada Day!  This is the day most Canadians get together, celebrate and drink copious amounts of alcohol to commemorate the Dominion of Canada as a united country.  Exciting stuff isn't it?  Imagine if the people who started this country in 1867 could see it today.
