Friday, July 9, 2010

v38.0: Friday Checklist

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

- Mark Twain

Good morning folks,


Friday has finally arrived!  I have been looking forward to this day since Monday and despite only having a 4 day work week, I still feel as if I worked all 5 days.  There was something about this week that really made for a long week.  Perhaps the heat was a factor or perhaps it was just "one of those weeks".


So does anyone have any big plans for this weekend?  Perhaps some of you are making a big trip somewhere or perhaps you're staying home and doing things around the house.  Myself, other than doing some good old fashioned gaming tonight, we have plans to head to my grand-dad's house this weekend for an annual get together.  Unfortunately it doesn't look like the weather is going to cooperate with us again this year, but there should be good times and fellowship had by all.  The family on my father's side likes to get together a couple times a year: usually around this time for our annual BBQ and usually just before Christmas for the annual tree cutting.


We also have a family reunion on my Mother's side this month which is typically a bit more lively than the one on my Father's side; I enjoy both.  Since this seems to be the month for family reunions, I thought I would put together a little list of activities families can do during their reunions (taken from Wikipedia):

  1. Historic Skits Reenactments that highlight pivotal points in a family’s history. Participants are introduced to the art of developing a timeline as well as period research with a focus on costume design, customs, dialogue and social, economic and technological developments.

  2. Story Telling A fascinating art that brings to life tales of ancestors and their accomplishments. Along with stories of legends of the past, life lessons are taught. The meaning behind family traditions are shared while relaying important family history factoids and the ties that bind.

  3. Genealogy Tours Takes the family on an exciting tour of important genealogical hot spots including the family homestead, the towns in which the family settled, the jobs they held, machines they worked, markets they traded and streets they walked as well as social activities they immersed themselves into.

  4. Genealogy Presentations A Presentation of historic documents and vintage artifacts that identify timelines, economic status, historic events and locations of ancestors.

Of course not all families will go to such great lengths.  In the case of our family, most of us live relatively close together so we see each other on a semi-regular basis.  Traditionally, family reunions were used to gather everyone together at a single time; some who never get to see their family members any other time of the year.


Well folks, the clock says it is time to get some work done.  No seriously, my clock talks and it is saying "time to get some work done" right now.  That means I must bring this musing to a close and do what it says.  Perhaps I should reprogram my clock to say "time to go home" instead.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend.  Remember, it is summer and as such there will be a lot of drivers on the roads; some of which will be tourists and unaccustomed to the roads in your area.  Keep an extra careful eye out and be safe.




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