Thursday, July 8, 2010

v37.9: Tired Thursday

Good morning folks,


It is finally Thursday though it feels like it should be a Friday.  Despite being ill on Monday and missing work, I still feel like I've worked a full five days this week.  Perhaps the longer days of sunlight help create the illusion you're working more than you actually are.  I'm not working many more hours than I did over the winter months so why should the summer months feel so long?


Yes, Summer is finally here.  We are getting hit with a mini heat wave here this week and the temperatures have been hot and humid.  Of course I caught myself complaining about it yesterday, mostly because I was dressed in jeans and wearing black shoes.  The casual dress code allows us to wear shorts to work but I don't really own a nice pair of shorts that I can wear to the office, something I may need to remedy quickly if these first few days of July are any indication of what the summer is going to be like here.


My great Uncle (my grandfather's brother) passed away just recently.  My mother forwarded me the obituary yesterday and as I was reading through it I began to think about my ancestry again.  I have an account on and I've been working on filling in the gaps of my family tree for the last year or so.  My father had quite a bit of information on his family tree and I was able to go back several generations (to the early 1700s) on that side of my family, but my mother's side is still a bit of a myth to me.  A couple of weeks ago I was talking about this and my mother told me I should contact my great Uncle as he had a whole bunch of history on the family and it may help me fill in a bunch of the gaps.  So far, I've only been able to go back to my great grandfather on my mother's side of the family and everything else is unknown to me.


I don't know why I've taken a special interest in my family history lately.  Perhaps I'm trying to find some distant royal blood line or see if I can trace my family all the way back to Adam and Eve :)  The whole idea of Adam and Eve doesn't make sense to me.  As a child, going to church, it was something we were taught; the creation of the world in six days and the creation of man and woman (from man) and how they were told to be fruitful and multiply.  Well they were definitely fruitful and they definitely multiplied, if the stories are true.  After all, that is all the first chapter of the Bible really is, a story written by a man who didn't live during the time of creation.  What would happen if I wrote a story about the creation of the Earth and the first humans and then for whatever reason there was a global tragedy which wiped virtually everyone out leaving behind young children who stumbled upon my story somehow.  Would they believe it and retell it for generations to come, swearing this was how the world was created?  I'm not trying to be disrespectful to those who believe the Bible and live by Holy book, I'm only questioning my own beliefs and thinking for myself; something that seemed to be frowned upon when I was going to church.


But enough about religion and the Bible.  The last thing I want is to offend someone by saying something negative about the Bible or God.  I grew up in the church, I studied the Bible for many years and nearly went to Bible school after Grade school to learn more so I could become a pastor.  The fact that I'm sitting here behind a computer working in the UNIX field was completely by accident and mostly out of a need to survive and make some money.  Funny how things can turn out sometimes.


Anyway folks, it is time for me to bid you all a good day for now.  My sister and I have swapped vehicles this week and the big ol' V8 has just dipped below the half mark on the fuel gage.  I suspect that is going to cost me a good $50 to fill it before she takes it back tonight.  Not bad, considering the driving I did in it.  I hope everyone has a great day and if you're stuck in this heat wave, try to keep cool.




  1. It's too bad Uncle Ron passed away before you could contact him. I've been in contact with his daughter and I'm sure any ancestry information she might find, she'll pass on to us. When we saw Uncle Rons obituary, I noticed that both him and Dad had the same middle name... Edwin. Uncle Mike has the same middle name.Nobody seems to know the significance of that name. Have you encountered anything in your research.
    Your grandmother Milner had a family history document. Does your father still have that?
    Love you sweetie

  2. Yes, I did get the information from Dad awhile back which is what allowed me to go back so far on that side of the family. If you get anything from your side, please forward it along so I can add it in.
