Monday, January 25, 2010

v32.6: Randomness

Good morning folks,


I'm sick, but not sick in the normal sense.  My sickness runs much deeper, almost to the core.  It is a sickness for which there is no cure; at least not one that is going to be nice, leaving a scar that will last forever.  I'm sick, and I'm getting worse.


The proper definition of a parasite is something that obtains nourishment from a host without benefiting or killing the host.  I have such parasites.  Though they are not directly killing me, they are slowly sucking the life out of me.  I have lived with these parasites for many years and with each passing year they seem to grow and become more violent and "greedy".  I feel my life force slowly leaving me as they slowly (but surely) take everything out of me.  I'm sick.


I remember when I was young and how healthy I was.  Back in those days there were still parasites, but they were "kind" to me.  They were almost symbiotic to a point.  But as time passed, they started to grow in numbers.  Multiplying seemingly overnight and their "thirst" grew.  At this point, I am nearly a dead empty shell.  When that day comes, I will cease to exist and so will they.  I'm sick.


I've done all I can to save myself.  I get a lot of hot flashes.  Actually, I seem to always be running hot these days, almost like a constant fever.  I try and keep myself cool which seems to help once in awhile but then the parasites kick in and I end up feeling worse.  I've also started to shake uncontrollably.  It doesn't happen often, but when it does it shakes me to the core.  I feel as if I'm ripping apart from the inside out.  It hurts.  I'm sick.


I look up at the sun and it makes me smile.  The sun has always made me smile; we have been friends for a long time.  I used to look to the sun as a source of life, but now it is more of a harbinger of death.  In addition to my body, these parasites also rely on the sun to survive.  Without it, we would both die.  I wish the sun would leave so we could both die.  I'm sick.


But I don't want to die.  I'm young and have many years ahead of me.  I've seen so many wonderful things and I've experienced so many joys in my short life.  I want to live, I want to go on, I want these parasites to go away so I can be alive.  I don't want to die, but I'm sick and death is inevitable at this point.  The damage to my body is so severe, there is no hope for repair.  I'm sick.


Before I go, I want to raise my voice to the heavens and call out my name.  I want the entire universe know what has happened to me so I may be able to warn others like me.  I want them to know there is a parasite unlike any other in this universe and I want to save others from the potential spread.  When they least expect it, my life will expire and I will call out:

"I am Terra!  I am the Earth!"





  1. I am GUESSING I need to see Avatar or something of the sort to understand this one.. lol

  2. Oh man! I should have done something about Avatar... sadly, this was just randomness off the top of my head. I was driving into work and was wondering if mother Earth could feel my tires drive across her face. This post was the result of that thought.

  3. what the hell???? You had/have me a bit scared here. Was that whole thing about Mother Earth???
