Tuesday, August 18, 2009

v29.3: Life Scripted

Good morning folks,


Ever feel like you life is a play scripted for the enjoyment of some higher being?  You go through the motions every day as if some unseen force is watching you and taking joy in the show.  I sometimes feel this way, in fact, I have started writing a story about it.


Of course I won't bore you with the details as it is only an outline and a few paragraphs of text.  I'm waiting for the right time to get inspired and have some time (a few hours minimum) to sit and write.  Of course having a full-time job and being a full-time parent makes that difficult unless I cut into my much needed sleep time.  A small sacrifice I guess, if I can get it done and published.


I only have a few moments to write this morning due to other things that require my immediate attention.  Initially I was going to go on a rant about an omni-present god who lives simultaneously in the past, present and future and knows what is going to happen to you before you do; yet your future doesn't exist yet.  Does that mean your life has already been written and there is nothing you can do to change it or do you still have a choice to make a change?


I had a few paragraphs typed up and realized I was going down a very dangerous road.  You see religion is a very serious topic and I have no desire to go anywhere near that.  Too many wars have been started over religion, too many people have died for religion and religious organizations are some of the most profitable (and powerful) organizations in the world.  Who wants to mess with that?  Instead I will go off on a tangent and pick some random topic and make your brain hurt.


I'm sure you've all had the feeling of deja vu at least once in your life.  That feeling like you've been there before and are only going through the motions to replay an event.  I've talked about deja vu in the past, but I thought I'd mention it again since it has been awhile and it relates to what I want to throw out there today.  The words deja vu simply mean "already seen"; the feeling of being someplace or having a conversation that has already happened in the past.  There are several theories around deja vus and why they happen.  If you believe in the Matrix (and yes, some people do) it means "they" changed something in the Matrix resulting in a time lapse.  Of course the Matrix isn't real; we are really only figments of each others imaginations.


If you look at the scientific explaination of deja vu, you will find that people who experience deja vu are actually having a mild epileptic episode.  In fact, most people who have a temporal-lobe seizure typically recall having a moment of deja vu just prior to it.  The cause?  To put it simply, the two sides of your brain are out of sync.  One side of the brain is processing at normal speed and the other side is processing at a slower speed.  This gives the illusion of deja vu where you feel something familiar because it IS familiar, you are re-experiencing an event less than a second after the initial experience.


Of course I have another theory about deja vus (you knew I would didn't you?).  I'm sure everyone has heard of the Multiverse theory whereby the universe is split into multiple (billions) of layers where anything that can happen does happen in an alternate layer.  Basically, if you have ever had to make a decision in the past or an event unfolded near you, there would now be two versions of your life (or death depending on the circumstances) that exist in different planes.  This continues throughout the course of a life where every action and decision you make can shape the universe around you with alternate realities.  The old TV show "Sliders" was based on this theory and was quite interesting to watch.


Basically, my theory is when one of these "layers" comes in close contact with another "layer" of your life, and both of them have the same (or very similar) experience, you get the feeling that you've been somewhere before because in an alternate reality, you have.  Of course there is no way to prove this (yet) so you'll just have to take my word on it.  Regardless, there are strange things at work in our universe and I hope there is more to our lives than a scripted existence for the amusement of something else.


That said, I must go and continue with my scripted day at work.  Remember folks, just because you can say antidististableshmentarionism, doesn't mean you should.





  1. Did you have to google the spelling of that word ??? hehe
    I've never heard of the Multiverse theory.. but then I'm sure you didn't expect me to, did you??
    Interesting theory but have to say that I barely understood a word you wrote.
    Good luck with the book...
    Love you

  2. hahaha Mom, you're too funny. I have heard before of Deja Vu being the act of one 'eye' being slower than the other by half a second or whatever and you only perceive that you've seen it in the past when your brain can't comprehend why you recall this happening before but can't remember why or when.. I've had Deja Vu experiences a few times in my life and I always sit there racking my brain trying to figure out when I remember doing/saying the exact same thing to the exact same person or seeing their reaction and expecting it cause I've seen it before.. I dunno, maybe I'm just epileptic and didn't even know it! haha
