Morning folks,
Ahhh, there is something about a Thursday that makes the week feel almost complete. Two more days of the mundane and we will be free!!
I awoke this morning at the usual time. I drug my ass out of bed and started to get ready for my day. Well, I won't say I woke at my 'usual' time as I got up at least an hour earlier than I needed to. My daughter was already awake and watching TV in the Den and Katie was kind of asleep on the couch. I sat down at my desk and for whatever reason (out of habbit perhaps?) I clicked on the WoW icon.
Typically, when I wake in the morning I check my email first thing. I then spend the a few moments browsing message boards that I belong to and depending on the activity on the boards I may or may not post.
This morning, however, I broke that habbit and fired up a video game. Usually it is very dangerous for me to fire up a video game first thing in the morning as I end up in a rush to get ready for work and get out the door.
Luckly I wasn't late for work and I wasn't in a rush to get here. In fact, the only time I have been late for work was on my first day because it took me 30 minutes to find the damn place. Being late sucks especially when its your first day on the job. :)
What is the first thing you think about when you wake in the morning? Most of us would say nothing as we are too tired to think of anything when we first wake. This morning I thought about happiness. No, I wasn't happy to BE awake, I was just happy.
I could sit here and bitch and complain about all the bad things going on in my life right now, but I seldom write about the good things that are happening. For starters, we are all alive. My family and I have gone through a lot of ups and downs (as with most families) and it seems we are in more downs than ups. Truth is, we've always had each other and we've been (for the most part) healthy and happy. My kids smile when I walk through the door at the end of my day and although I haven't been home to spend time with them, that is my favorite part of the day.
There is something about having children that seems to make all the other problems seem small. When a child is ill or hurt, everything else you may have been dwelling on disappears and your thoughts and focus is on the child. I can't explain it well enough for those of you who don't have children, but for those who do have children, you can understand where I'm coming from.
Regardless of what is happening in my life, my family will always come first. When I think about making a purchase for myself, I think of my family and how that will impact them. When I want to aggressively pass the slow ass driver in front of me, I think of my family and what they would do if I happened to get hurt in the process.
Bottom line, you cease to be just yourself as soon as you have a family. You are no longer a solo entity in the world, you are a team. Each member supports the other in some fashion. Some people are selfish (myself included) and don't like to give all for their families. Sometimes we may think about how our lives may have been had we never started a family, but all it takes is one look at your child before you realize you wouldn't have done it any other way.
Katie and I watched the movie 'Domino' last night. The movie has an all star cast, but the main character is played by Keira Knightley. For those who may not recognize the name, she was the gal in 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. She was also the gal who played Gwenevere in 'Arthur'. Most of the parts I've seen her play have been 'girlish'. This movie is a complete about face for her and she does a great job.
While the movie had a strange feel (almost a 'Kill Bill' style), it was fairly easy to follow and had a good story and plot. I don't remember who made the movie as it was a name I hadn't heard of before. Overall, great movie.
I am still trying to figure out what we're doing for the weekend. My sister rumored that my mother was planning on coming up to visit us this weekend, but I haven't heard anything about it since. More than likely, we will sit back and relax this weekend, maybe clean the house and play some games. The kids recently discovered the Nintendo 64 we have and the Mario Kart game. They love playing that game together and even Katie and I join in and race the kids. My son loves laying traps and trying to knock me out of the race; he's good at it too!
Well gang, I must go and get some work done today. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day at work so the musing may not be as long.
Remember, snow means slow this winter.
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