Morning folks,
As the title of this musing would suggest, I'm sick today.
One must ask themselves, why goto work sick? Well my job, despite giving me sick days, doesn't really allow for such luxuries.
While I'm no doctor, I do believe in being well informed of the body and why it does the things it does. The common cold, for example, seems to be a fairly simple sickness and very 'common' in most people.
What exactly causes one to aquire such a lovely sickness? I will attempt to explain in 100 words or less :)
The nose contains shelf-like structures called turbinates, which help trap particles entering the nasal passages. Material deposited in the nose is transported by ciliary action to the back of the throat in 10-15 minutes. Cold viruses are believed to be carried to the back of the throat where they are deposited in the area of the adenoid. The adenoid is a lymph gland structure that contains cells to which cold viruses attach.
So what does this mean exactly? Well basically, it means if you breath, you stand a chance of catching this virus. As the description above suggest, the virus enters through the nasal passage and is trapped at the back of the throat. You can typically tell when you're "getting" a cold when you start to feel that grubby feeling at the back of the throat and that tickling sensation. This means your body is desperatly trying to fight the virus but it is losing.
What can I do to prevent catching a cold? Well, unless you live in a bubble seperated from people, you stand a pretty good chance of catching this virus. Personally, I don't think the bubble idea is all that bad and should be manditory for those who have this virus to discontinue the spreading of it.
The cold virus can be easily transfered from person to person. All you need to do is touch something (or someone) and that person can easily obtain this wonderful sickness. Granted, the more healthy your immune system is and depending on how 'proactive' you are can determine whether the cold is just a minor infection or a major infection. While I won't go into the possible complications of the common cold, I will say this thing CAN get very nasty if left untreated. While you can treat the common cold by getting lots of rest and ensuring you keep clean, in some cases you may require medical attention and a prescription from a Doctor.
Now that I have touched on me being sick, lets muse.
I've been performing a little writing excercise lately. I don't know what it is called, but I thought it up one day while sitting at my desk researching 'How to Write a Novel'. I'm by no means a great writer, but I enjoy writing and feel I'm getting better with each 'publication' I put out.
Basically, this expercise is making up sentances using the same beginning letter for each word. I decided to write out 26 sentances using the letters A through Z.
For example:
Al always adores an apple after an afternoon at an aquarium.
While the sentance may not make a lot of sense, each word begins with the same letter and it exercises the use of different words in substitution of words I would normally use. This will hopefully broaden my vocabulary and help me write more interesting sentances. If I remember correctly, I'm up to the letter T in the alphabet writing a few sentances a night. Perhaps in a future musing, I'll post my results from A to Z for your readnig enjoyment :)
Moving away from writing and colds, I must admit I was a bit surprised last night when I went home. Typically, my kids are up and waiting for Dad to get home so they can spend a few moments with me before heading off to bed. Last night I arrived home and noticed the house was very quiet. So quiet in fact, I thought I had walked into the wrong place. Katie came out of the den and motioned for me to be quiet and whispered that the kids were in bed. I was a bit surprised as this is probably the earliest both kids have gone to bed in a long time. Typically my son is in bed fairly early because he has to get up early to goto school. My daughter, however, tends to stay up later because she keeps my son up if we try to put them to bed at the same time. My kids are currently sharing a room and it can cause a lot of issues at bed time when one is trying to sleep and the other wants to play :) We hope to find a new place soon and get back to 3 bedrooms so we don't have to worry about this happening.
Unfortunatly, most of the places here in Halifax are so damn expensive, there is no way I can afford a 3 bedroom apartment in the city. Funny how that works. I could afford a 3 bedroom townhouse in Calgary and it cost me approx $900/month. Here, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment for the same price and 3 bedroom apartments are going for over $1000/month. I would hate to enquire about a townhouse, I'm sure I'd be paying close to $1500/month + utilities. The only thing stopping us from getting a house right now is the money for a downpayment. Unfortunately, everytime I seem to have a few extra bucks, some unforeseen expense comes up and I end up going into the hole AGAIN. Such is life I guess, need to spend money to make money to spend money to make money.
Anyway folks, my mood today is sick and depressed. I try to sound a bit chipper in my musings but life is kicking me real good these days and I just can't seem to come up with the witty banter that you were all used to back when I started this thing. Perhaps something good will happen and I'll have something good to talk about tomorrow.
We found out today that our apartment has some serious health issues. Apparently, there is some issue with the ventalation in our suite and something about the laundry room (which is next to our apartment) sucking all the moisture out causing us to get sick on a weekly basis. There is also the possibility we have mold in the place as they found some indication of a leaky pipe in one of the bathrooms. They are going to need to come in and tear away some pieces of the wall to check if there really is mold and then go from there. Personally, I don't think a hell of a lot more can go wrong, I'm about due for something good (I hope).
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