Morning Folks,
Today''s musing is brought to you live from Snowy Calgary!! That''s right, I said SNOWY!
I awoke this morning to come into work and looked outside to see a bit of snow on the ground. Wasn''t so bad really, and was expected. You see, living so close to the Rocky Mountains makes for
some interesting and unpredictible weather patterns. While other parts of the continent are experiencing nice spring like weather, we here in Calgary went from Summer like weather to Winter weather in less than 24 hours. Quite remarkable really and a pain in the ass! :)
So I wasn''t able to get a musing out yesterday due to me being home sick. Why didn''t I write from home? Well, I had this massive headache which lasted most of the day and I was so tired I just layed around most of the morning. I decided to go lay down in bed around 8 or 9 am and didn''t get up again until after 2pm. Was a much needed rest. Unfortunatly, I just couldn''t shake this headache and as a result I was quite short with the family last night. I know they understood, but you just can''t help but feel bad afterwards.
I feel a lot better this morning despite the fact I''m at work. Today is Katie and My 6th Year Anniversary. I believe we have plans to go out tonight so hopefully my physical health holds and I am able to go out and actually enjoy the evening. I hate being sick.
How has everyone been? Katie and I watched the movie "National Treasure" last night. Really good movie that talks a lot about the history of the US. Nicolas Cage stars in this film and does a great job playing a "Treasure Protector". I urge you all to go out and see it if you haven''t.
Another movie we watched recently was "Robots". Now THAT is a funny movie :) Of course, any animated show with Robin Williams playing one of the voice HAS to be funny. The movie is about.. well.. Robots :) It is a very commical movie with a lot of witty banter and double meanings. The
beginning of the movie starts off with this robot all excited because he is going to be a dad. He rushes home and his wife says to him, "I''m sorry, you missed the delivery". The camera pans down and there is a box on the floor containing a "Build it Yourself" baby robot. Of course, the time it takes to build the robot is considered labor and in the end they have a baby. Unlike other babies, this sucker comes with a volume dial for those late nights when you just need to rest :)
Even though I was ill, I did find some time to play WoW. Unfortunatly we had to cut things short because I was having issues looking at the monitor with my headache. We did a few quests and picked up some nice items and experience. One of the items we picked up is a Trinket. This tricket has a 2% chance to proc a buff that gives you +15 to all stats when hit. It proced a few times last night for us while we were helping some guildies complete the Stockades. Bottom line, we had some fun and were able to complete some long outstanding tasks :) I have one quest in Stranglethorn that I need to get done and a couple in Un''goro Crater to finish. Once I''m done those, I
may move camp out to Western Plaguelands where I have been getting a TON of coin and items. In 2 evenings, I was able to make just over 50g in coin. Of course, I just dinged level 52 the other night and each thing you train at that level costs you 4g!! I also switched from 2h sword to dual wield again so I bought a couple sweet looking level 52 1h swords. They look awsome and do quite a bit of damage. Brandy was on yesterday and I bought all the materials she needed to enchant them with this really nice fire proc. Materials are EXPENSIVE for enchanting. I could have easily gotten someone to enchant + Demonslay on my blades for cheaper, but I like to keep it in the guild whenever possible and she skilled up on one of the blades so all was well.
End result, I was sitting at just under 30g from 85g (OUCH). No worries though, I was able to get myself back up to 60g in an evening of questing and farming out in Western Plaguelands (I love
that place). I doubt I''ll be online at all tonight but will be driving hard Friday to complete some quests and get some much needed coin saved up. If I plan on getting an Epic mount at level 60, I''m going to need to save up 900g :)
Anyway gang, I need to jet outta here and get some work done. I''m behind by a day this week already and if you work in IT, that can never be a good thing :)
So, salute from Snowy Calgary and we''ll see you all here tomorrow.
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