Morning Folks,
How is everyone doing today? Myself, I''m feeling a little medium today. The last couple days I''ve been dwelling on the future and what it holds for my family and I. I must admit, there are some days I wish I could take a trip in a time machine to see how everything works out so I can be prepared.
I have also been thinking about a potential career change lately. You know, for as long as I can pretty much remember I''ve wanted to be around computers. Since I was 8 years old and we bought our first Commodore Vic20, I''ve wanted to use computers. Growing up we always had some form of computer divice in the house and I would spend hours in front of it coding games in Basic or just playing games when I was bored. Only made sense to work with computers when I was older.
Well, here I am 21 years later and I''m still using these damn things and know more about them than I really wanted. You see, when I talk about working with computers, I don''t mean swapping out defective hard drives and replacing sticky keyboards. No, my vision of working with computers centralized around sitting at a keyboard and typing out code all day :) I wanted to create applications and games for people to enjoy. Of course, I didn''t get into the coding aspect of computers because I didn''t understand it (then). Now I wish I had found a job in that area instead of being where I am today. Never the less, here I am and here I will stay for awhile yet. I have been thinking about switching gears completely and doing something completely different with my life. I haven''t decided what exactly, but I do know I can''t survive sitting at a keyboard all day typing and typing. My wrists ache at the end of each work day due to the lack of ergonomics here at the office. My ey! es burn when I step outside due to the lack of proper lighting. My head feels stuffed up all the time due to the lack of air ventalation in my building. Over all, this whole problem could easily be fixed with a simple location change. Proper ergonomics is a MUST when you work on a computer system all day long. A MUST! I don''t understand why our company doesn''t buy us proper keyboard trays, wrist rests and all that other stuff. Instead, we have a couple guys here who are on the verge of carple tunnel and one guy who already has it in his right hand. The working conditions here SUCK!
At least the coffee is good :) I''m sure you''re all wondering why the hell I put myself through this day after day. There are two reasons. One obviously being my family, the other is convience. I live approx 10 minutes from work so getting to and from work is a snap. Also, I''m making decent money for what I do (not near as much as most in the same profession) which pays the rent, bills and puts food on the table (not always in that order :) ).
So you ask, why am I doing this again? :) I don''t want to get into a huge disucssion about my work and the suck of it. I just want to let you all know where I''m coming from and how I''m feeling at this very moment as my forearms begin to ache and I''m only 30 minutes into my day. Ugh...
I think I''m going to cut things off short today. I really do not feel well and may head home a bit early today because of it. My arms and wrists are killing me so I think I''ll go find a nice corner to curl up in and fall asleep :)
Before I go, I did want to mention that I did upload the latest and greatest screenshots of my WoW adventures. I am using the new Gallery 2 system and will be removing the old gallery soon. The url (in case you forgot) is I have seperated the screenshots by zone/area where I could for easier browsing and navigation. There are still a bunch in the root WoW Misc area that have yet to be assigned to a folder; I''m working on it.
Have a great day everyone and remember, You can''t fold a single piece of paper in 1/2 over and over more than 7 times.
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