Morning Folks, ITS FRIDAY!!
This morning while picking up my coffee I decided to treat myself to a bagel with cream cheese. I must say, eating something first thing in the morning is a change for me and I''ll have to put forth the effort to do it on a regular basis.
Since I''ve been sick, I''ve noticed some changes in my diet and eating patterns. Before, I could easily skip breakfast and lunch and get home and eat around 2:30pm. Now, if I don''t eat, I get a strong sick feeling in my stomach and it remains that way until I get to eat. Of course, when I''m feeling that way, the last thing I want to do is eat, but after I start eating I feel a lot better. Thoughts? It is the oddest thing I''ve ever experienced in my life.
Last night was Pop ''n Tot night at my son''s school. We had a lot of fun playing with all the different activities at his school. We started off by him giving me a tour of the place. We ended up playing some mini-basketball for a bit and then went and did some crafts. All in all, a great evening and a good time was had by both of us. At the end of the evening he didn''t want to leave. I had to show him how every other kid had gone home already for him to finally decide it was time. :)
Came home after the Pop ''n Tot night and watched ''Man Without a Face'' on the Family Channel. Pretty good movie directed and starred by Mel Gibson. He plays a Teacher who had been in a car accident and Half of his face was scared and burned. He had become a social outcast due to his appearance as well as the fact he accidently killed a student in the crash.
Mel Gibson is a great actor and I enjoy watching his movies. One of my favorite flicks of his would be ''We Were Soldiers''. Of course, any movie that portraits war is a must see for me. I love war movies, especially the old ones like ''The Great Escape'',''Battle at Midway'',''The Longest Day'' and so on. I love researching the wars and I like sharing my knowledge with others. My grandfather faught in World War II in the British Navy. He has told me a lot of stories and shown me a lot of photos and records from that time. You see, I feel it is very important to educate people about the Wars. I feel it is something that NEEDS to be taught to our children. Every year Remembrance Day seems to become more and more just another day. People go through the ceremonies not really understanding or knowing what they are doing. Some people even think of it as a holiday and a day away from work/school. I wish everyone could have been in that room with me the day my Grandfather opened up and talked about the war. I wish everyone could have seen the tears in his eyes and the shake in his voice as he recounted some of the deaths of his friends. I wish I could go back to that day and take a better record of what happened.
Luckly my Grandfather is still alive and well. My Grandmother (his wife) passed away a couple years back and he just hasn''t been the same. I can''t say I blame him, they had been together 59 years when she died. 59 YEARS!! I can''t even fathom the kind of bond my grandmother and grandfather had. I can only imagine what it would be like to lose someone after that many years. Hell, I''m only 28; I haven''t even experience 1/2 of that time yet.
Anyway, I could go on and on about War and stuff, but I''ll leave it at that for now. I had written a rant on it at one time. I should look around and see if I still have it backed up in a database somewhere. I really need to fly home and visit my folks and family soon. Every so often I feel this ''tug'' to head home. It is almost like something is going to happen and if I don''t go, I''ll regret it the rest of my life.
Who knows.
I came into work a little bit early today (by accident), so hopefully I''ll be able to get out of here a little early today. Last week was hell for me and this week has been close to the same. I''ve endured 4 days of this while still feeling a bit ill. I promised myself I wouldn''t come into the office if I was sick because I didn''t want to infect my co-workers. Well, today there are 3 people away sick and I''m sure I''ll be the one to blame.
Boo @ Meh
Part of the problem stems from only getting 6 sick days a year. I don''t know about some of you, but when you live a stressful life like I do, you tend to get sick a bit more than 6 days a year. Hell, I even ate up a few sick days when my son was in the hospital. I had to stay at home with our daughter while Katie stayed in the hospital with our son. What was I supposed to do? I lack money to hire a babysitter/daycare, so the easiest solution was to stay home and watch her myself. A choice I didn''t want to do, but had to do. It was a frustrating time because each day was one less day that I would have later this year. This is the reason I come to work sick, and that isn''t doing anyone any good IMO. I don''t feel companies should put restrictions on how many sick days you are ''allowed'' to take. I realize people will try and abuse a system like that. Maybe implementing something like greater than 2 sick days in a row requires a Dr''s note or something like that. If you''re really sick, you''ll get the Dr''s note, if you''re only faking it, you''d rather come to work than take the time to get a Dr''s Note. Of course there are a lot of ''What If''s with that and it all comes back to just limiting how many days people can take a year. It sucks, but it works I guess.
TGIF is all I can say at this point. These past 4 days have felt like 10. I''ll be so glad when today is over and I can leave this place and spend 2 days at home with my family. Maybe we''ll actually be able to get out of the house this weekend :) Hopefully this weather will change and we''ll get rid of this damn snow. Being sick and having to go out in this cold weather only makes matter worse. I just want it to be warm and sunny again :)
Well gang, I''m going to say goodbye for now. Hopefully we''ll see you again on Monday :)
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