Morning gang and sorry for the late musing.
This past week has been a huge trial for us. My son was in the hospital for a few days with pneumonia and I was home with our daughter. Her and I were both coming down with the cold/flu and were pretty much sick the whole time. My wife was in the hospital with our son so for a few days we didn't see much of each other. Then this past weekend I came down with a bad cold and was sick yesterday from work. So, here I am a week from my last musing writing again.
I'll need to make this one short as I have a meeting to attend in 30 minutes. I basically wanted to touch base with you all and let you know I'm still around and I will continue on with the musings.
Since I forgot to write early this morning when I got in, I had to go out and get myself another coffee so I could write now. That and I wanted to roll up the rim to win! For those of you from the US, there is a coffee chain here in Canada called Tim Horton's. Every year around this time they have a "Roll up the Rim" event where each of their coffee cups has a rim that can be rolled up to win a prize. Most of the time it is something like a free donut or coffee but there are a few grand prizes such as GMC Envoys, Coleman Camping Packages, Panasonic Home Theatres and Cash prizes. I drink Timmy's almost every single day and I've only won 3 times! booo.
Oh well, at least I get to continue to enjoy the coffee which fueled my teenage years through work and school.
Well gang, as I mentioned I need to keep this short. I will hopefully have more to write about tomorrow if I'm not sick again (still not feeling well). My mind is just not much into musing today.
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