Thursday, February 26, 2009

v20.6 - Simply Speaking

Howdy folks,


It's been one of those days.


Have you ever had that feeling that you're being setup?  Things seem too good to be true at first and then as events unfold you slowly being to realize that things were only sugar coated so you would take the bait.  Of course after you've taken it you're too late; like a fish who has just found out that juicy worm just floating in the lake had a huge ass hook in it which is now sticking out through the top of your skull.


Things at work are difficult right now.  I believe I've talked a bit about this migration we're doing and how it brings with it new work (more work?) and some new positions.  While I can't complain (it is nice to have a job in these uncertain times) I do feel as though I'm being tested.  You see, the new role I've been given is a fairly important one.  Personally, I feel there are much better candidates within the office who would be much better suited for this role but for some reason they chose to pick me.  Perhaps it is my work ethic or the fact I'm willing to take on any challenge that comes my way that won this position for me?  Regardless of how I got put in this position, I am now in it and have to work my way through it.  The task isn't a small one and I'm find out more and more with each day.  The work is actually overwhelming and I can't help but feel like I've signed myself up for failure.  Of course failure is the farthest thing from my mind, but the thought is still there.


Enough about work, I like to leave work at work and when I'm home I like to do "home" things and forget about the office.  I've been having issues (especially lately) leaving work at work but I find I have a much more enjoyable evening (and sleep) when I leave work at the door when I leave each day.


I apologize for the late musing but I was informed when I got home today that the kids had a math thing at the school which was right after supper.  We just got home and I must say that kids these days are a lot smarter than kids were in my day.  In fact, the differences are astronomical.  I won't go into all the different "centers" I encountered while at the school but there was stuff there that made my head spin a bit while thinking about it.  There were puzzles and riddles and common math problems to solve ranging from grade primary all the way up to the smart ass grade 6ers.  It was an enjoyable night and we had a lot of fun.


Anyway folks, time to bid you a fond farewell yet again.  For those who haven't noticed the new link at the top of the site, feel free to keep up on my Roll-up-the-Rim 2009 counter.  This is the 3rd year I've kept track of my winnings and losses.  In addition to keep track of nutritional information, starting this year I plan on keeping a cash total.  For each coffee I buy, I will input the price I paid (tax included); if the coffee was free because of a winning tab, I write Free.  Keep checking back daily because I LOVE Tim Horton's coffee and drink it almost every single day.



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