June is finally upon us, again. Where did the last 5 months go? I find it difficult to believe time could go by so fast, and yet, here we are at the beginning of a new month and almost at the half-way mark of the year. I believe the old saying goes, "Time flies when you're having fun.", but I find it hard to believe we're having that much fun.
I'm not sure if you have June Bugs (or June Beetles) in your area of the world, but here in Eastern Canada (and other areas in Canada) they are everywhere right now. If you're the scientific type, the technical name for "June Bug" is Phyllophaga (from the Greek word Phyllon meaning Leaf Eaters). They are basically a huge beetle (up to 25mm in size) that seem to appear anytime between late May and early June. They are as dumb as a post and can be very annoying at night.
Well, I think I've talked enough about the June Bug. Before I take off, I will share with you a recipe for a drink called the June Bug cocktail. No, it doesn't contain any June Bug parts. I suspect it got its name because of the color since June Bugs in other areas of the world (0ver 260 species) can be quite colorful. So without further ado, here you go:
Ultimate June Bug Recipe: (taken from Wikipedia)
-1oz Midori melon Liqueur
-½oz Malibu coconut rum
-½oz banana liqueur
-1 ½oz sweet and sour mix
-1oz pineapple juice
Blend all items together and serve over ice in Collins glass.
13% alcohol
Well folks, that is all I have for you today. Keep your head down if you're walking around at night, especially around lights. If you get a chance to head outside tonight, take a listen for the June Bugs flying around.
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