Tuesday, January 26, 2010

v32.7: Stormy Tuesday

Good morning folks,


It is a stormy Tuesday morning here in Halifax.  Last night we were hit by a huge rain storm which dumped a whole pile of rain and wind on us.  The wind was blowing so hard I could feel my house moving while in bed last night.  The forecast said we were supposed to get ~80mm (just over 3 inches) of rain but I'm not seeing it.  Other than missing a pile of snow (which I'm happy to see go), there really only seems to be a lot of wind.


You've probably noticed that I changed my usual -slurp- with -suck- this morning.  This is because of a co-worker (*wave* Luis), who recently started reading Musings over Coffee, bought me a bag of Brazilian Coffee flavored candies.  They taste... well... not like coffee but they do leave that hint of coffee in your mouth; sweet coffee, which isn't the way I like my coffee.


Bleh.  So I had a couple comments about my musing yesterday.  First off, let me say that I have no idea what came over me.  I had the idea in my head I was going to write that on my drive in and at the time it seemed like a good idea.  Let me start off by saying I'm not really sick.  I was writing from a different point of view so if you haven't read it yet, feel free to go back and take a look at it.  It wasn't about me.



Ahhh!  I think I may have found the perfect combination of coffee and candy.


I'm not sure if anyone has noticed the tab at the top of the site entitled "Untitled Novel 1".  I put that up there a few weeks back as I plan on releasing my new novel a chapter at a time to the public.  This was the novel I wrote during the November writing challenge I was a part of.  While I didn't quite reach the 50,000 words in 30 days, I did manage to pump out quite a few words and I have been finishing it off and making some edits.  I learned a lot during the writing challenge.  I took a vague idea for a story and turned it into something more.  I didn't plan it out, I didn't have any idea who my characters were or how they would progress, but I put together a fairly good story non-the-less.  It isn't perfect by any means, but if you're not hooked on all that grammar and spelling stuff, you may just enjoy the first chapter.  I plan on releasing the second chapter this week as soon as I've had a chance to go back over it and proof read it a little bit.


Well folks, work is calling and unfortunately I need to answer.  I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!  Remember, just because the light turns green doesn't mean it's safe to drive out into the intersection.  Please look both ways.





  1. Hey... where did he buy those candies? /me want!

  2. He said he picked them up at the Dollar store. Not sure how much they cost :)

  3. great first chapter.. gave me goosebumps. Can't wait for the next one.
