Monday, March 30, 2009

v22.7 - Tired

Morning folks,


I'm tired today. It could be from lack of sleep or my poor diet or my poor exercise habits. In fact, it is most likely all of the above and my constant craving for snack food late at night. Time for a change.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

v22.6 - On The Ball

Morning folks,


Have you ever heard the saying, "Keep your eye on the ball"? It is obviously an old baseball phrase used to help players bat. Since it is a normal reflex for people to close their eyes when things are thrown at them batters will seldom swing too early or too late if they don't keep their eye on the ball.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

v22.5 - Oh Boy!

Morning all,


The drive into work this morning was quite an adventure.  I was both amazed and afraid at the same time as I left my driveway and made my way into work.  Little did I know the events that would unfold leading me on the greatest adventure I've ever experienced.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

v22.4 - Shattered Dreams

Morning folks,


Today I am working from home.  We were hit with a fairly significant winter storm last night and it is still snowing outside as I type this.  I don't know the exact snowfall amount but it appears to be around 10 inches of snow.


Friday, March 20, 2009

v22.3 - Thinking Outloud

Evening all,


Yes, it's the evening here.  Just after 9:30pm as I write this.  The day was full of fun and adventures as I enjoyed my last working day off from work.  Tomorrow the weekend begins and then it's back to the old grind on Monday.  I'm not looking forward to work, but at least I can go into work Monday prepared and very well rested.  Oh boy.


So I've been in deep thought these past few days.  I've been dealing with a few issues in my life lately which has really got me thinking.  I'm debating on changing the Musing over Coffee theme.  I've been writing for several years on and off under the Musing over Coffee theme but I think it's time I dropped it completely and came up with something fresh and new.  This idea just hit me 30 minutes ago when my daughter said something in passing.  I misheard what she said, but what I did hear got me thinking a great deal and gave me a GRAND idea.  I won't share it just yet as I have to put the finishing touches on it and then I plan on presenting it to you all for your consideration.


Anyway, just a quick thought for you all tonight.  If it wasn't for my daughter I would have completely forgot to write today and that just wouldn't do.

Cheers for now,

Thursday, March 19, 2009

v22.2 - Live From Mom's

Morning Folks,


As the title would suggest, today's musing is live from my mother's house; of course everyone is at work.  I wish I could have found a better time to come and visit but this was the best I could do with my "busy" schedule.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

v22.1 - One Good Deed...

Howdy folks,


Vacation is going well.  Too well I'm afraid.  I never want to go back to work again!


Friday, March 13, 2009

v22.0 - Fantastic Friday the 13th!

Howdy folks,


Big Sigh here.  Not a sigh of relief but a sigh of disgust and anger at Microsoft Windows and PCs in general.  You see I had an entire musing almost typed up and then for whatever reason my keyboard bindings got all messed up and when I went to hit my backspace key to go back and delete a funny character it thought I wanted to go back in my browser.  Of course that means I lose my entire musing I had typed up and was quite angry.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

v21.9 - The Next Day

Good Morning Folks,


The sun is shining and the snow is nearly gone. The stresses and strains from yesterday seem miles away yet so close.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

v21.8 - I need a vacation

Howdy folks,


It's after 8pm and I'm just sitting down now to write.  I need a vacation before I snap.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

v21.7 - Disconnection Notice

Morning folks,


I'm sure everyone has received, at one time or another, a disconnection notice of some type of service whether it be electricity or water or even telephone/internet. Well I received one such letter in the mail yesterday and I'm not very happy about it.


Monday, March 9, 2009

v21.6 - Moan

Howdy Folks,


I did intend to write something earlier today but my day was so full of things to do that I didn't have time.  In fact, I would have completely missed writing my musing today if it hadn't been for a gaming friend of mine who reminded me when he told me the secret to happiness.  What is that secret you ask?


Sunday, March 8, 2009

v21.5 - Short and Sweet

Howdy Folks,


Just a short musing today.  I was sitting at my computer playing games and I began to wonder what the hell I was doing.  Seriously, why would I want to spend my Sunday in front of a PC?  I think I'm enjoying gaming way too much these days.  One of my WoW friends made a comment to me today that really hit home.  I don't think he meant anything by the comment but it did hit home.  I need to find something else to occupy my time.  Something.


Cheers for now,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

v21.4 - Sleepy Saturday

Howdy Folks,


I don't know why I'm so tired today.  I got to bed at a decent hour and slept fairly well but I am still having issues getting motivated today.  We have company showing up here later today for supper so most of the family is busy cleaning to ensure the place looks half respectable.  I'm just dragging my ass for some reason.


Friday, March 6, 2009

v21.3 - The Bare Necessities

Good morning folks,


It's Friday! That means absolutely nothing to those who have to work on the weekends but for those of us that do the regular Monday to Friday 9-5 day job, Friday is a spectacular day! That coupled with the fact that my mother may be making the trek up to visit only makes the day better.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

v21.1 - The Missing Musing?

Morning Folks,


I was looking at my recent posts this morning and found that I somehow missed a musing. I thought for sure I wrote something on Tuesday but for whatever reason I can't find it anywhere. Today's musing should be v21.3 but I felt it necessary to go back and rewrite v21.1 and submit it as today's musing.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

v21.2 - Busy Day

Morning folks,


As the title suggests, I'm VERY busy today.


Monday, March 2, 2009

v21.0 - Snow Day!

Good morning folks,


I'm able to fire off an early morning musing today.  We were hit hard last night by a freezing rain storm and as a result, almost all (if not all) the schools in the province are shut down.  The roads are very icy today and it just isn't worth getting in an accident over (or worse) trying to make it into work this morning.  Therefore, I'm working from home.  I always work better from home; less distractions and more comforts.  It begs the question, why doesn't every company allow their employees work from home?


Sunday, March 1, 2009

v20.9 - Simple Math

Good morning folks,


Well the weekend has finally come to a close.  The final day is here and Monday looms over us like a tropical storm waiting to unleash it's fury.  Where did my weekend go?!?  To be fair, I still have the rest of the day; I need a vacation.
