Thursday, April 10, 2008

v17.5 - If Tomorrow Never Comes

Morning folks,


Imagine my disappointment when I awoke this morning, turned off my alarm and realized it was Thursday.  For some reason I had it in my head that today was Friday and my last day of work for the week.  OH well.


I watched an interesting video yesterday called "End Day".  Basically, plays the same day over and over (similar to Groundhog Day) except each day is another way the world "could" end (or have a major disaster).  Personally if the world is going to end it's going to end and I doubt there is much we, as inhabitants of the plant, can do to stop it.  While the video was interesting in its own way, it was the idea of the same day repeating and ending differently that interests me.


Of course this theory has a name but it escapes me this morning.  I also believe I've written about this before but the theory keeps coming up and I find myself pondering on it daily.  For those who don't know what I'm talking about, imagine an event in your life where you made a decision between two or more possible outcomes.  Let's take, for example, the decision of have a baby (since that is fresh in my mind as well :) ).  On one side, you decide to have a baby and that child grows up and has their own life possibly becomes a Doctor or some other type of profession.  On the other side you choose not to have a baby and that life is never created and all the lives that life would have touched would go on in completely different directions than they would have.  Also, let's say you having a baby influenced a friend or another family member to have a child?  If you didn't have that child, then they wouldn't have had their child (or they would in a different "reality") therefore two lives are now missing.


Now you're saying to yourself, how could a life that never existed by missing?  Well, that is exactly what I'm trying to talk about here.  The theory suggests that anything that CAN happen DOES happen in a different "reality".  Right now, there is an infinite number of you performing an infinite number of things differently than you.  Every time you do something, an alternate reality branches off of you doing something different or doing something at a different time.  Have you ever had a close encounter while crossing the street?  Have you ever "almost" done something?  Well in an alternate reality that car did hit you while you were crossing the street and that thing you almost did, you did do.


Of course all of this is just a theory :)  Something difficult (impossible?) to prove but interesting to think about.  That person you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with?  You are with them today in an alternate reality.  That child you wish you had never given up, is with you in an alternate reality.  Kinda scary and interesting to think about I guess.  There used to be a TV show called "Sliders" which touched on this theory.  They would "slide" between dimensions and each time they slid, they would end up in an alternate reality of their time.  I urge you to look it up on the Internet when you get a chance and watch a few of the episodes.


Well folks, I must be off to work now.  This writing in the morning is proving to be better for me so I'll probably continue it.  Until tomorrow.



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