Morning Folks,
Short musing today. Yesterday afternoon brought some pretty bad news for me and my family. Not the bad news like someone dieing, but the bad news in some changes here at work which are going to directly affect us.
We had a meeting yesterday afternoon regarding our on-call schedule. The meeting was called because a few people decided they wanted to be taken off the rotation. I was not part of the on-call rotation due to the fact Katie works in the evenings and I am unable to accept calls from customers and dedicate my time to them. I haven''t been on the rotation for a year now, and our boss has decided to make the on-call policy MANDITORY for all employees.
What does this mean for me? It means that I will be expected to be on-call. What does that mean for my family? That means Katie will need to quit her job which is something her and I don''t want. I have two options should this Manditory on-call policy go in.
1) Suck it up and do the on-call, let Katie quit her job and stand the chance of missing picking him up after school due to being on-site helping a customer.
2) Quit this damn job once and for all.
Right now, in my current state, I''m leaning more to the #2 option. Not so much because we were told this was going to be a Manditory thing. In the meeting yesterday while I was trying to defend my case of why I couldn''t be on call (pretty bad when you feel like you''re on trial because you can''t be on-call) there were a couple employees (friends?) who used to sympathize with my situation and understand why I couldn''t be on-call. They actually accepted the fact and that was that. In this meeting, these individuals found every chance they could to slam me for not "wanting" to be on-call and as a result I got really angry in the meeting.
Hell, I almost think I''ll take the #2 route regardless. Even if the on-call policy doesn''t go into a Manditory state, I still won''t be able to sit here around people who I thought were my friends and then have them stab me in the back. Screw It.
Anyway, that was work and my mood today is very angry and frustrated. I don''t want to be here, but I have no choice. I do plan on getting some things accomplished this morning and #1 on my list is to talk with my boss about this whole thing. When something like this upsets the woman you love, there is a need for action. I felt so heart broke yesterday watching Katie after I told her; I wanted to jump in my car right away and drive back to the office to talk with my boss. I hate to see Katie get upset over things and I do what I can to make things better; unfortunately this is kinda out of my hands. I don''t want her to quit her job as it is something she likes to do. Even if her job has her down right now, at least she''s getting out of the house and doing something on her own. I can understand her need to feel accomplished.
Switching gears here
I found out last week that my step-sister is coming to town this weekend. We''ll call her Erin for now to protect her identity. Quite a funny story actually as I was browsing through my email and saw one from my mother. In the subject lines was something like TRAVEL DETAILS FOR LASTNAME. I had seen a similar email like that before my mother came out last time, so my first thought was she was coming out again. I went to the link in the email and printed off the details. I then look at it and notice the date is for June 11, 2005. At the time it was the last week of May and I was thinking HOLY SHIT, she said she wasn''t coming until the fall. I tried to call my sister and verify the information as she was CCed the same email. Things were looking like my mom was coming to visit.
I called Katie as she is great and wise in travel plans. I told her about the email and the dates. Her reply was simple, "Isn''t Erin coming out then?". That is when I saw the name on the travel information. Again, something that everyone else knew was going on and failed to mention to me. So my little step-sis is coming out to visit us tomorrow and staying for a week or two. The last time I saw her was about August 2001 (way before my daughter was born). Hopefully she has a good flight and makes it here safe and sound.
Anyway folks, I got nothing. I''m going to cut this off here and bid you all a fond farewell and have a great weekend. Don''t forget to conserve water this weekend for our Children''s future.
[...] Musing over Coffee v6.5 [...]