Morning Folks,
How is everyone this fine Monday morning? :) I hate Mondays! Not because they are tradionally the worst days of the week; I hate them because I have too many meetings in a day which usually limits the amount of work I can do leaving more work for tomorrow.
I trust everyone had a grand weekend. My weekend was fine, despite the fact it was cold and not very nice outside. I''m really hoping for a better week this week. NO MORE F''IN SNOW!!
I made it to level 54 on my Hunter this weekend. Getting pretty close to level 60 now and I can almost taste the end game. I had a level 60 Hunter come up to me yesterday complimenting me on my look. He did a quick inspect of my gear and told me I was pretty much set for end game. I did a quick inspect on him and realized his gear was crap :) lol. Anyway, this guy wanted me to lend him 60 gold as he was in the process of putting some coin together for his level 60 Epic mount. I saw the same guy earlier broadcasting in the noob zone asking for someone to lend him 100g so I''m assuming he somehow made 40g along the way. This is my absolute FIRST case of someone asking for coin and this guy had a pretty good story so I lent him 10g to see how he would take it. The guy "promised" to pay me back the 10g and also assist me in getting my own Epic Mount at 60 (yeah right).
Epic mounts in WoW are stupid expensive. I think the majority of them are 900 gold while some are as high as 1,000 gold. STUPID expensive! I had some assistance from my friend Fred when I bought my first mount. Unfortunatly after buying that mount I was left with next to nothing. I have been playing with next to nothing ever since. Until this weekend anyway :) The Auction House in this game is quite addictive and I''ve spent quite a bit of cash in there upgrading my weapons and armor pieces. I finally made it to a point with my character where I no longer need to buy him any armor until after level 60. My weapons, should do me for awhile now and I am in desperate need of a bow. I haven''t had much higher than 50 gold on my toon ever (other than the brief moment where I was buying my level 40 mount). This weekend I was fortunate enough to get a couple rare items drop while out farming. The first one was a Purple (epic) shield drop which was going for around 160+ gol! d on the Auction House when I went there. I set my buyout for the item around 100 gold and the minimum bid starting at 80 gold. The thing was bought out almost immediatly. The second item was a Blue (Rare) trinket called Six Demon Bag. The going price for this item was around 80 gold or so when I checked, so I set my buyout at around 50 gold. It went almost immediatly as well.
Making cash in this game is so easy to do.. NOW. Prior to this level I used to struggle every other level because I was blowing most of it to train my toon. Now, it is easy for me to go out in one evening and farm up around 20 gold just killing random mobs. Of course, the odd time a nice item will drop and that will bring in a little bit more cash. The last couple nights I have seen more cash coming in than I''ve seen in my toons entire life. I can see how someone could easily farm up 100 gold a night and then turn around and sell that in real life dollars on the internet and make some REAL money on it.
Anyway, other than the inability to group with my friends in-game, it was a good weekend. I think I mentioned in an earlier musing that groups are only 5 person max in WoW. This leaves a difficult situation among us as I have my wife and I (whom I play with above all else) and then I have my friend Fred and his family (4 total). Of course, in DAoC days we used to hang out quite a bit and do some farming or adventuring. In this game, it isn''t possible anymore.
Fred reminded me of a comment I made the other day about how unbenificial it is to group with lower level members in this game. You can''t powerlevel toons in WoW (as we found out) and the easiest (BEST) way to gain experience is to do quests. Taking a lower level toon out to a high level area creates a couple challenges:
1) Agro radius are based on mob level vs toon level. A level 40 toon will agro a level 50 mob MUCH further away than a level 50 toon will. This creates a lot of challenges when adventuring with a wide spread of levels
2) Experience rewards for lower level members in a higher level area are aweful! For example I could take a level 40 toon out with me to a mid level 50 area. If the toon survived being agroed from half way across the world, he would only get a fraction of the experience rewarded for the kill. Lets say I normally gain about 350 exp for killing a level 55 mob. The level 40 toon with me MAY get 35 experience for the kill (hense the no Powerleveling). It would be MUCH more benificial for this toon to go fight in an area more his/her level.
So Blizzard has eliminated the Powerleveling factor. I''m happy about this as it was a HUGE problem in DAoC where a toon could be powerleveled to 50 in a couple days if need be. In WoW, good luck getting a toon to 60 in a couple weeks :)
So I have been playing WoW now for just about 2 months. I''m still loving the game (minus the 5 man group thing) and I have no intentions of ever going back to DAoC. There are a few things I''d like to see changed/fixed, but overall the game leaves a good taste in my mouth and I''m happy with the way it all unfolds. The graphics are the best I''ve seen in a long time (despite the cartoonish rating I keep hearing about) and the animations are second to none.
I think tomorrow I may talk about Assistance Etiquette. This is something that has been really bothering me about WoW and I want to help you all understand (some of you do already) what it means to be helpful and assist in-game and what it means to assist and be a hinderance in-game.
With that said, I''m going to get the heck out of here and start getting some much needed work done. You guys have a safe and wonderful Monday and we''ll see you here tomorrow morning!
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