Tuesday, May 31, 2005

v5.9 - Mr Smartie Pants

Morning Folks,


Welcome to the last day of May 2005! That''s right, look at your calendars and realize I speak the truth. :)


Monday, May 30, 2005

v5.8 - Lions and Tigers and Bears

Oh My!


Good morning folks!

How is everyone this fine Monday morning? Myself, I''m spectacular!


Friday, May 27, 2005

v5.7 - Welp

Good morning folks,



Another week has come and gone and another weekend is before us. To our American friends this is a long weekend as Monday is Memorial Day. Well, my day started off wrong from the get go. For one, I don''t even think I''m wearing underwear today and I''m afraid to check. So cold. I''m also not feeling well this morning. I woke up with the tell tail signs of a chest cold on its way. I hate getting sick and I will do everything in my power to make sure this one doesn''t set root and cause a crummy weekend.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

v5.6 - hohtyjthjyiyuhhgujhkl

Morning Folks :)


I bet you''re all wondering about the title of today''s musing. Well, I have a funny story to tell (some of you already heard) so sit back, relax and enjoy.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

v5.5 - Meh

Morning folks,


Apologize for the later than usual musing this morning. I also apologize for the late late musing yesterday. I actually had it all typed up and saved but forgot to send. Guess I''m still adjusting to being back to work. :)

Didn''t get a chance to stop at Timmy''s this morning so this musing will be short and boring as I''m drinking office blend.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

v5.4 - Back in Black

Morning folks,


Well, my vacation is finally over. In so many ways I don''t want to be at work today, but here I am getting ready to slave yet another day. We did quite a few things while I was on vacation, so I''ll summarize quickly the higher points.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

v5.3 - Reheated Musings

Morning Folks,


Last night I picked up 2 XL Double Doubles from our local Tim Horton''s. I brought them home intending to drink them both when a brilliant idea dawned on me. Why not save a coffee for tomorrow so I can muse. Then an even better idea came to me. Why not copy and paste all my old musings (pre-maillist musings) into one big musing and call it Reheated Musings with my Reheated Coffee? :)


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

v5.2 - Live from Vacation!

Morning Folks,

Little late for getting a musing out, but what the heck. I even made the trip to the Tim Horton''s to pick up an Extra Large Double Double so I could write this.


Friday, May 13, 2005

v5.1 - Day 5!!

Morning folks,


It''s Friday the 13th and my last day of work for just over a week. Let the excitement fill the air as I almost feel like its the last day of school before summer :)


Thursday, May 12, 2005

v5.0 - Day 4

Morning folks,


Day 4!! One more day after today and I''m officially on vacation!


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

v4.9 - Day 3



Morning Folks,

Sorry for the later than usual musing. I had to come in early this morning and do a reboot of our main call tracking system. Unfortunately it didn''t go as planned and I''m just finishing up now.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

v4.8 - Day 2

Morning folks,


It''s Day 2 and I feel fine.

{slurp}I'm a little sleepy this morning due to staying up way too late last night playing games with my son. It all started about mid evening last night while I was online doing a few quests in Felwood. Friend of ours in the guild wanted to head out and do some PvP combat to break up the exp/quest grind a bit. What took place can only be told in story form. I have very little PvP knowledge of this game but I was still able to provide a lot of fun and some good laughs :)


We started off in Southshore where we joined in on a huge zerg of alliance people who were trying to take over Tarren Mill. That was a lot of fun but very laggy with the amount of people on the screen at one time. I will admit, playing with my Nostromo game pad has given me the edge over the majority of the players and I''m having a blast using it in WoW. Don''t think I could play the game without it now :)


We decided it was too laggy and there were just too many players fighting at once so we took off to the West and ended up in Tristfall Glade. This is the home of the Undead Horde race. We started off by killing a few low level guards around the noob start town. Eventually we had a few Horde come out to greet us :) We picked up quite a few kills from people who felt they needed to to pvp on us (low levels like 8 - 15) and then a few of the higher levels. The best laugh of the evening was this one Undead Mage who kept coming back over and over again. His name was Autopsy and each time was a joy to take him down. Our tactics were flawless and we would get him everytime :) I would hide my pet behind a tree and would Shadowmeld so I was "stealthed". The guildie who was with me would stealth as well (Rogue) and run around getting ready to get in on the action. The Mage (whom I would see on my Humanoid tracking) would come running down the road to find us (again) and I wo! uld start the battle off with a DoT arrow followed buy a concussion arrow to slow him down :) My pet would engage and I would hit the Dash ability to make him run 80% faster. While all this was going on I was preping my Aimed Shot which crits about 90% of the time in PvP. Usually at that point the mage was Dead :) I think we ended up killing the same guy about 6 or 7 times. A blast and I can''t wait to go do it again.


You know what I really like about this game? The fact that every single level can be completed by doing but quests. For every zone you find that is your level, there are at least 3-4 others of the same level in the world. Also, there are usually the same (if not more) quests in these other zones which really makes for some great variety of leveling. Rather than spending a lot of time in one area trying to complete it all, I try to urge everyone to get out and explore the lands and find other zones they can try out. It breaks up the game a little bit and doesn''t make a specific zone feel like work. Katie and I do this all the time and you will rarely find us fighting/questing in the same zone two nights in a row.


Well gang, I want to keep this short today so I can get my slacking off to a good start :) Yes, as per my musing yesterday, I am taking it easy this week. Which is actually kind of funny because yesterday at coffee we talked about taking time off and how you usually need a week just to unwind from being at work and then a week to vacation :) I couldn''t agree more and I have dedicated this week as my wind down from work week :)


Sorry for the shorter than average musing today. I will make it up to you, I promise :)




Monday, May 9, 2005

v6.4 - Work that Thang

Good morning folks,


First off I would like to apologize for the lack of musing the last couple days. Let me assure you, if I had been able to write I would have.


v4.7 - Day 1

Morning Folks,


For starters, I apologize for the mixup last week. It seems I sent out my Musing on Friday with the same version number as Thursday''s musing. I have corrected my mistake on my webpage, but the emails that went out said v4.5. Thanks to the person who corrected me on my mistake :)


Friday, May 6, 2005

v4.6 - TFGIFF

Morning Folks,


It''s Friday!




Oh yeah


Thursday, May 5, 2005

v4.5 - There can be only One

Morning Folks,


Made it into work a little early this morning so I could get some much needed work done. Can''t believe I''m here at 5:30am, especially with all the crap that has been going on here recently. OH well :)


Wednesday, May 4, 2005

v4.4 - Sorry

Morning Gang,

Sorry for not getting this out earlier but I was super duper late for work this morning. I had a good topic in mind for today but it will have to wait for tomorrow. Again, I apologize. I don''t even have a coffee yet and its 8am :)

{virtual slurp}

I promise to put out a good musing tomorrow, so you may now return from the edge of your seats :)

{virtual slurp}

See you all tomorrow, I miss you all!



Tuesday, May 3, 2005

v4.3 - Viva l'assistance

Morning Folks,


How is everyone doing this fine Tuesday morning? I trust you all slept well and blessings on your alley and all stuff. I actually slept OK last night. I woke around 5am and had time to actually shave this morning :) I had a good week growth of beard going there yesterday and looked quite ... scruffy yesterday at work.


Monday, May 2, 2005

v4.2 - Bad Boys Bad Boys

Morning Folks,


How is everyone this fine Monday morning? :) I hate Mondays! Not because they are tradionally the worst days of the week; I hate them because I have too many meetings in a day which usually limits the amount of work I can do leaving more work for tomorrow.
