This afternoon's musing is brought you to by a medium-sized Tim Horton's coffee with a single cream, and the letter Q. It's 3PM and I'm just now able to sit and write. What a day this has been; stress free, but very very busy.
It's day 5 and I'm still stress free. I haven't worried about work all week and it felt great. I've been relaxed, smiling, laughing and enjoying my time here while being quite productive. It's been a good week and definitely something I'm going to keep in mind in the days and weeks ahead. Speaking of "days and weeks ahead", I have decided to add a little plugin to the site which will allow me to track my stress levels. With each blog post, I will try to remember to add one of these so you, the reader, can see what my current stress level is at. Hopefully this will be relatively small with my new method of dealing with stress, but there may be days when I can't contain it and the stress levels may rise. It should look something like this:
[progpress title="Stress Level" goal="100" current="2" previous="1" label="stress"]
Hopefully that looks ok. I haven't used this plugin before but according to the documentation, it should work just fine for what I need.
Well folks, work beckons and I must answer it's cruel wicked call. I will be working well into the night tonight so wish me luck. Don't forget that the second full moon within a single calendar month is called the Blue Moon. More on that later.