Tuesday, May 31, 2011

v42.1: Stalagmites in my Freezer

Howdy folks,


Today was much like any other day.  I got up, got ready for work and headed into the office.  I worked.  I came home, ran a few errands, came home again and decided to have a glass of Pepsi.  I opened the freezer door and stopped.  I couldn't help but notice all my ice cubes in my ice cube tray had little ice spikes sticking out of them.  It was the oddest thing and initially I thought something was wrong.  Why the hell would my ice cubes have stalagmites sticking out of them?


Of course I had to look this up and apparently it isn't uncommon to see ice cubes with stalagmites sticking out of them.  I bet you're all wondering how this is achieved?  I examined the ice cubes for a few minutes, but I couldn't figure out exactly how it happened.  Did someone break into my apartment and fashion these out of ice?  Was there water dripping down from inside the freezer in precisely the exact spot where my ice cubes were?  Are there microscopic organisms living in my freezer who can only survive in sub zero temperatures and they build these structures to live in?


After a quick search on Goggle, the answer finally presented itself to me.  This strange phenomenon happens to ice cubes when they freeze from the outside in.  Since water expands when it freezes, there is no where for the liquid to go - but up - when the ice starts to form.  Seems so simple doesn't it?


On the gaming side of things I've started playing WoW again.  This time I've decided to start up a little Blog to record some of the adventures and to just talk geek about WoW.  Initially I had the domain wowgeek.com registered, but I let that domain expire and go away, so I've decided to use my old domain fiendz.net to house the new blog.  If you head over to http://www.fiendz.net you can check it out.  I don't have any content there right now, but I'm slowly building the site up and plan on doing some posting there soon.


Anyway folks, time to head out for now.  I hope everyone had a great day today!



Friday, May 20, 2011

v42.0: What the Frack?

Evening everyone,


I just wanted to post a quick note to let everyone I'm still here and I haven't forgotten about you.  Work has been quite busy lately and my life has been going through some massive changes.  I haven't been doing any gaming lately, which is strange for me; I have always been a huge gamer. I have, however, been thinking of reactivating my WoW account.  Most of my gaming friends have also moved on to other things and none of them (that I'm aware of) are playing WoW these days.  I had thought about firing up Rift as well, but I'm not really looking to start a new game right now.


Well folks, time for me to sign-off for now.  I'm going to try and post more frequently here in the coming months.  Hopefully my writing dry spell clears up.

